Once a company gets a permit for a well site how long does that permit last? And does it cost said company the same amount to renew said permit?...

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Where are you located?  You can see a drilling permit application online at ODNR  http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/industry/electronic-forms  click on Permitting Forms then Application for permit.

The standard permit is good for 24 months and costs $500

A reissue is $250.

This is in Ohio for a standard oil/gas well.  Special fees may apply for non standard wells.


OK finding out info on PADEP is not an easy task. 

Google this and you can see the fee schedule ... this is PA revised code at pacode.com but if you google what is in bold below it will come up.  Fees in PA are very high compared to Ohio.

§ 78.19. Permit application fee schedule.

Also in this code I saw you can renew the permit for one year.  I could not find a different cost for that so do they have to pay the fee again???   Also could not find how long the original permit is good for in PA.  Maybe someone else can tell us more about that. 

Thanks will check some more.

Renewal of a horizontal gas well drilling permit costs $3,350 in PA. Permit is good for one year from date of issue. Fee must be paid each time the permit is renewed.

Is it common for companies to let permits expire , or do they usually drill within the original issue time frame?


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