I am starting this thread with the hope of enriching the viewers with ideas as to the benefits of the free gas from the well(s) on their property. The first use of course is to heat the homestead. I would also like people to know that they can use their free gas to power their vehicles. My example is the Honda Civic NGV. Read about this at the following web address.  http://automobiles.honda.com/civic-gx/

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How about a natural gas generator that can power your whole house!
Just remember, those big horizontal wells put out alot of pressure.. It will cost you quite a bit to hook up to the line , Not as cheap as hooking to a lower pressure vertical well line.
Thanks, I didn't know that. I hope the cost would be offset by the free gas heat, power, etc.
I may be mistaken, but I don't believe "free gas" is ever included in a Marcellus Shale Gas lease. At the pressures it comes out of the well, you would need a house-sized regulator. In addition, it can be "wet" with oil or fluids and have other gases that are very combustible and unstable - not a consumer ready gas you want plumbed throughout your home. The "free gas" perk is generally a benefit associated with low pressure, shallow well gas - but you will not be using "crude" Shale gas, in it's "natural" state and pressure.
free gas can be negotiated in a number of ways, most common with higher pressure is a cash payment for so many mcf. most leases pay on the well head price, but some companys will pay the retail price. pressure cuts for home use can be obtained through a series of one inch regulators using small orfices to help handle the pressure. the gas quality can be cleaned up after the pressure is cut, but you must have a copy of the gas analysis. this work can not be done by a home owner or handyman, only a trained professional.


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