We need help and we need it now!

This legislation totally sucks for me. I have one of the parcels that is in harms way of this legislation. My property hasn't been drilled on, nor was it put in an adjoining production unit. However, the adjoining property that is in the production unit has been drilled on and they say the well is awesome, but it's just dry gas. The company has been messing around with me when I approached them and asked them about re-negotiating a new lease, as mine runs out very soon. They kept telling me to "wait". "Be patient". "Good things are on the way." I got very little for a signing bonus when I signed years ago and was really looking forward to getting a fair signing bonus very soon. They keep telling me to wait. I see some landowner groups are standing up for us but absolutely NOTHING from Energy In Depth. 

I've spent the better part of the last few years sending their articles to friends and naysayers and using what they have said to combat the econuts. Goodness only knows how much paper and ink I've used spreading their articles and debunking around to folks.

Where is Energy In Depth now that we need them? Why can't they come out with at least a statement on our behalf to send to Harrisburg? Why can't they write an article that we can share with our legislators and senators? They write such great articles. Can they please, please now, at least defend us and our rights? Am I the only one that sees their silence as not fair to us that have supported them for so long? Maybe I'm nuts, but they have so much clout and credibility, so where are they? I've been patiently waiting for them to step up to the plate for us and defend us to find NOTHING!

Please respond with thoughts, ideas, ANYTHING!!!

 I can't be more disappointed in them and I really and honestly don't want to be. I trusted them! I felt like they were a partner, yet now, I don't know what to think. We need them now. Where are they?


Published: Tuesday, July 2, 2013, 9:00 p.m.
Updated 20 hours ago 

Legislation allowing drilling companies to pool landowners' parcels into gas-drilling units, passed amid the last-minute state-budget rush, wrongly puts expediency for drillers ahead of private-property rights, which it violates.

The legislation requires that all pooled parcels already be leased for drilling. Proponents say that means it won't force drilling where landowners don't want it. But that's a simplistic view, because this legislation will leave many landowners at a distinct disadvantage when a driller wants to pool their parcels.

They're landowners who signed drilling leases years ago, when few such contracts, if any, addressed pooling — and long before modern techniques such as fracking enabled the rise of the Marcellus shale drilling industry. The legislation lets drillers pool land so long as parcels' lease contracts don't specifically prohibit it.

That deprives landowners of leverage they ought to have. Instead of renegotiating old lease contracts to obtain larger payments or other benefits in exchange for allowing pooling, they will be at drillers' mercy.

Trevor Walczak, vice president of the National Association of Royalty Owners' Pennsylvania chapter, calls this law's passage “the point in time we can look back to where PA gas law began to prey upon the people rather than protect.” Time will tell if he's right about that bigger picture, but trampling private-property rights so drillers can access more land from one well is a regrettable step in that direction.

Read more: http://triblive.com/opinion/editorials/4289789-74/drilling-landowne... 
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Energy In Depth is funded by the O&G companies, that is why they are not on the landowners side.

I am stupid. I thought they were regular people like us. So we are supposed to follow them, yet they do nothing when we need them?

You are in good company Frank. Most of us have been naive about this entire shale play. EID is being paid to front for O&G companies, and there is nothing wrong with that. In a sense they are helping landowners by promoting the industry we all hope to benefit from, but their loyalty is owned by the people who pay them. To me situations like this further show the need for organizations like USA.  President Reagan's famous dictum, which he often quoted to Mikhail Gorbachev in Russian, was Trust But Verify. I am hoping USA will help organize and teach the verification and learning process to fellow landowners.  It is all just business with the O&G companies, and we landowners are simply speed bumps. A deer in the headlights is an uncomfortable position to be in. USA will really take off and become stronger when they start a weekly radio broadcast. Knowledge is power.


I will be writing to governor Corbett asking him not to sign this bill. It will be on behalf of landowners from the United Shale owners of America.

I would urge everyone to write.

Good to read Mr. Mark McGrail !

What happens in PA could creep into OH next.

There are already similar goings on from what I've read / heard.

Please step up your efforts to avert these types of legislation in OH next.

Go get them Mark.



Mark, do you feel that emails are effective? If so, do you know Governor Corbett's contact info? I wlll look it up personally, but many people are honestly very busy keeping up with personal demands and get sidetrackted by equally important home and life issues. Any one who has been married knows what I am talking about :). United Shale Owners of America can help us landowners, and members of USA, by making the process of contacting politicians or organizations easier by providing contact info every time it is useful to give our opinion to someone. I personally appreciate your individual effort in helping we landowners to cope with these important issues, and to look at things from a landowner point of view. Thanks, for helping us, and let us know how we can help you. A point man is very important and necessary in a good cause. I second Joseph-Ohio's feelings "Go get them Mark".

I'd like to know where all the Tom Shepstones, Vic Furman's and Mike Knapp's on this post. They seem to chime in when they want us to believe something, yet are silent on this. We need their help with this mess and they are nowhere to be found. 

You're not stupid Frank.

You realize that unless you try to protect yourself you're going to be taken advantage of.

There are others on your side who realize the same thing.

However, it appears to me that there are also those disguised as being on our side but in reality are only there to mine information / seed dissent.  

Stay alert - keep slugging - do all you can to protect yourself / yours and others on your side - we'll just have to wait and see how it works out.

Don't let bad things happen for a lack of trying to avert them. 

Good luck to all of us. 


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