GMS members voted overwhelmingly for Corbett in our GMS Poll, so GMS landowners may be experiencing some angina this morning.

What does this mean for PA and the Marcellus?

Here was our poll...

Here are the actual results...

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At this time, your poll is 82% Corbett and 18% Wolf.  This makes me feel hopeful as a patriotic and conservative land owner; however, I also live in the city, and believe me, there are many people who don't agree or don't care and will vote party and union lines.  Fingers crossed Corbett can pull off what would be an upset, according to the media.  Wolf is all Obama... and HE has been a six year American disaster!

I voted for Governor Corbett.  If he loses we are gonna be in a world of hurt.  Wolf will bring to Pennsylvania the same policies that have already destroyed New York, California, and Illinois.

Worst of all for us, though, would be a severance tax.  Enactment of a severance tax would, by law, extinguish the impact fee which has disproportionately benefited Pennsylvania's natural gas producing counties.  Instead, the money would go to Pennsylvania's Democrat cities, each a black hole of mismanagement and hopelessness.

Here is a story you will find difficult to believe, but it is true so help me God:

I live in a region of Pennsylvania (Bradford/Tioga Counties) which is heavily into natural gas production.  The impact fee has been a Godsend for our region.  Nevertheless we actually have running here, on the Democrat line, a candidate for the Pennsylvania General Assembly who openly supports a severance tax!!!  Only an idiotic landowner would vote for such an individual.  It would be like voting  to be robbed legally.  The impact fee has also helped non-landowners here by keeping county and local taxes well under control.

Yet I'm certain this candidate will actually garner a few votes from the inevitable low-information voters.  It's a sad state of affairs. 

You might, in your disbelief, challenge me that no candidate here, regardless party, could be dumb enough to support a severance tax over the impact fee.  So here is the "rest of the story":

This Democrat candidate for the PA General Assembly is a (high school) teacher!!  He knows full well, when Wolf talks about "more support for education", that is merely code speak for "higher teachers' salaries".  Pennsylvania teachers overwhelmingly support Wolf . . . because they want even more of our tax dollars in their paychecks.  This even though pensions for these people have already virtually bankrupted this Commonwealth!!

It's a sad state of affairs.  If Governor Corbett loses, we landowners are going to be in serious trouble.  Anyone who believes there is no difference between these candidates, and who uses that as an excuse not to vote, is horribly in error!!  If landowners cannot find time today to go to the polls and vote for Governor Corbett and the impact fee, the opportunity will be forever lost.

Corbit is a putz. Oh I forgot, the loser putz.
Harry Reid loses his job, ha ha...

Frank, I have to take issue with some of your comments regarding public educators:

Did you know 46% of unionized public school teachers voted for Corbett in the last election? Although I do not have the stats for this election yet, I can tell you that I voted again for Corbett this time around as did many of my colleagues. We are a more conservative lot than often assumed.

Teaching is not my first career, but it is by far, the most difficult and undervalued. My pension is important to me, no doubt, but it is not the only issue on which I vote.

My pockets aren't lined from teaching, just from gas royalties ;-)


 "more support for education", that is merely code speak for "higher teachers salaries", is misguided. Teachers have been , at least in my area, fighting for more money spent on the schools, not their paychecks. Suburban district teachers are generally paid well and the schools are funded by our local taxes. There hasn't been a strike in the suburbs for over 30 years. In Phila. the schools are underfunded for what needs to be done, and the teachers make about 20% less than the suburbs. They are not asking for more, nor do they have the ability to strike to get more.

"This even thought pensions for these people have already virtually bankrupted the commonwealth" is also misguided. Teachers pay into the pension fund. The state has underfunded their part for years.

It is a fact that a portion of my property taxes are sent to Harrisburg for the State employee pension fund. That upsets me!


Don't most of the more rural counties count on the state for services? Like the state police and pendot.

Should I be upset to be paying school taxes in two separate counties in the state?

Philadelphia public school teachers (and most urban school employees) should get a paycheck for just showing up every day and keeping crime a little lower for 8+ hours a day.

 Those teachers need full auto.

Therein lies a big part of the problem: the majority of these kids have parents that contribute ZERO to the government agencies they expect to take care of them!
The emphasis must shift from entitlement to EARNING a living.
Perhaps teachers salaries and benefits should be tethered to the average income and benefits of the population within the district they teach.
This may spur the unions to do what they can politically to back candidates who are more job friendly vs. Tax and spend entitlement friendly......what a novel idea.......


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