CMHA solar array.jpg
More than 4,200 solar panels feed power to the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority's new headquarters on Kinsman Road in Cleveland. With recent cost declines wind and solar power are the lowest cost new energy sources. The cost advantage widens considering "apples to apples" financing, environmental impacts, price stability and energy security -- and in twenty years their fuel price will still be zero, writes Steven B. Smiley. (Gus Chan, The Plain Dealer )
Guest Columnist/ By Guest Columnist/
on February 08, 2014 at 9:00 AM, updated February 08, 2014 at 10:33 AM

This year marks a major turning point in energy in America. Wind and solar power beats natural gas “fracking” (hydraulic fracturing). With recent cost declines, they are the lowest cost new energy sources.

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No I do understand.  I just think that when politicians make decisions based on politics and not science when it is a science issue...nothing is done right...or if it is done right it is an aberration. 

Where is the data for cost/maintenance per KWH. You WILL find that it is much more costly than it is being billed. Also, the environmental impact of wind on the avian species and bats is astronomical. Do some research, and you will find "the truth". 


I've seen estimates of the cost of wind power being near that of natural gas 6.3 cents KWH for natural gas, 8.2 cents KWH wind, but as usual it is only half the story. What the promoters of wind don't tell you is all of the unique infrastructure costs associated with wind power.

 Here are those costs that must be added to the generation cost and installation costs. The subsidies wind receives add another .8 cents. The windiest places are far from where electricity is needed so additional cost of transmission lines - 2.7 cents KWH, replacement cost of turbines 1.1 cents KWH (their life span is short and has to be considered), the need for a backup power source for when the wind doesn't blow  2.3 cents KWH.

That's a cost of 15.1 cents per KWH. Definitely not a bargain.

Where did I get my info? The Energy Information Administration.

Thank you for the follow-up, Mark. I knew it was high, as I had done some research several years ago. At that time, it was estimated with the cost of equipment, maintenance, etc., it would take 20 years just to break even. Projected life expectancy of a wind generation unit was also estimated at 20 years.

A guy down the road a bit installed a smaller type windmill a few years ago.  Initial Cost = $80,000.  Time to "break even"~ 50 to 80 years.  He did it because he had the money.  Most of us don't have money to throw into a losing battle like this even with subsidies and I for one, don't appreciate others using my tax dollars for such a pipedream.  Oh yeah - he has killed a fair share of birds.  I think he makes bird jerky or sausage.


Several years ago a farmer nearby put a some solar panels on his buildings. Everyone thought that was great until I mentioned he used a grant from the state which was our tax dollars.

I called the state and told them I wanted one too but was told no. Some people are allowed to use your tax dollars, but you aren't.

Look at all the money the state and the feds dump into the failing schools of the cities. All the while high performing suburban districts can't get proper funding.

Good point Mark.  Let me add another windmill story.  There is a huge grain business not far away that put up two large windmills a couple years ago.  Cost=$1.5Million each.  Govt. subsidy=&750,000 each.  So the business got two for the price of one, but we all paid half.  Wonder if they'll cut me some slack on the buy price of grain.....small potatoes eh folks?  Frack on!


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