Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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Eclipse is finished fracking the Fritz wells and is moving on to frack the Hayes and Pora wells at the same time.Then they are going to frack the Frank Miller wells in November.

Donald, any idea on the resting time for the wells?

I have not heard how long they will rest the wells.


Thank you for the update.  If you hear, can you please post?

How long did it take to frack the Fritz well?

It took about 2 weeks per well but they did have some trouble getting enough water up there because the creeks around here were running dry.Now they have a good water source coming through 2 temp. water lines on our prop. from the Yoder impoundment which are fed from the Dickinson cattle ranch so that might speed things up on their next wells.

Donalds correct it was close to2 weeks per well maybe a tad more and water shortage was definately a factor. 

So, they'll frack Hayes and Pora during September and October (approximately), then move to Miller in November to mid-December.

Should be starting pad for Wells Collins pad soon. 

Just trying to figure out when we can expect first check(s)!!  ;-)


Which unit is your land in?

We are on the royalty list for Pora, Hayes, Miller and Wells Collins.  We will also be in another unit - not sure of the name yet.


Their supposed to be fracking Hayes and Miller starting this week, so they told me today. I don't think anyone will get any royalties till early summer of next year at least that's they said yesterday.  Something about the plant being built on grape hollow road and a few other issues.

I think they are planning on having the gathering plant on Grape Hollow done in December.  Is that what you heard, Evan?


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