Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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His name not on it ..So the map may have changed. ..Thanks for your help .I have tried to find this but couldn't ...

Hi Bobbie, I have been told by Eclipse that half of my property is in the Fineran 2H ( the other half is in Fritz).  I am not sure why my name is not showing as being in the royalty list.  The map that Jan posted on page 14 definately shows about 22 acres of my property.  Going to have to give Brett Marlowe a call.

OK thing change so much his land may still be in the unit thanks Jeffrey ..

HaHa!  Yes, I did promise to share.  We received our first check from Hayes a couple of weeks ago - but it was only for a few days and each lateral was hooked up separately, so it's hard to tell overall.  Once we get a full month (expect in a couple of weeks) I'll let you know.  

Also, Pora began to go inline 12/1/15 and last lateral done 12/20/15.  Expect first check in a couple of weeks - again a partial.

Miller should have been completely inline on 2/1/15.  That check come come at the end of March.  Should be a full check if completed on time - at that time, should be full checks for all 3 units.  That's when we'll know for sure!  

Not sure what Eclipse thinks.  I've been waiting for their February presentation to come out to see what they're saying.  Not published yet.

I did hear that they are going to attempt to unitize the Wells Collins Unit again and add parcels - ODOT only holdout at this time.   

Let me know when the party will be!

Really beginning to p":ss me off.  Our wells(Fritz) were the first to produce and we haven't even gotten our Division Orders yet.....cue the smoke coming from my ears 

Eclipse says they are only going to finish the wells they have started in the area and are moving out until oil and gas prices go back up. The Yanosik wells were supposed to be drilled this fall but are now on hold. 


Go news Fritz Unit...Talked with Eclipse.  They are going to Fedex the division orders out tomorrow.   Sign them and return promptly and we will get paid this month....Yaaa!

Law completion dates:  2H = 11/13/14; 4H = 11/15/14; 6H = 11/13/14.  8H - new permit issued 12/23/14.

BTW - When you get your checks, look them over real good.  We have a cost-free royalty and they took deductions.  Had to call.  We'll see if it is right this month.

Who is the O/G on that one Jan?

Which law is this jan ? Not grape hollow


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