Received all documents from the lawyer, signed, notarized and sent UPS, from Beachwood Ohio to Canton Ohio. About an hour south. Tracked it and learned it went like this ; Scheduled for early morning delivery so we made the Thursday noon cutoff,   Luckily we we not the only ones to have this problem. How do they stay in business sometimes ? Wife called,, was told not to worry as they were waiting for confirmation to see if we are accepted as a late add on. Was supposed to hear back later in the day but I'm sure it turned into a cluster. Some days your the bear, some days your the bears dinner,,,,,,,, Have a good night everyone,, and I hope and pray that you all double and triple what my offer is !! It will make me cry but not for long,, I love to see hardworking folks do well, I have been a part time transplant from Cleveland since 2006, so I'm a rookie ! Gootta ern your bones as they say. 


And Goodnight Mrs Calabash, Wherever you are !  



Location Date Local Time Activity
Louisville, KY, United States 10/20/2011 11:02 P.M. Arrival Scan
Lansing, MI, United States 10/20/2011 10:01 P.M. Departure Scan
10/20/2011 5:47 A.M. Misroute via the air service. / Delivery rescheduled.
10/20/2011 5:22 A.M. Arrival Scan
Louisville, KY, United States 10/20/2011 4:17 A.M. Departure Scan
Louisville, KY, United States 10/19/2011 11:55 P.M. Arrival Scan
Cleveland, OH, United States 10/19/2011 10:29 P.M. Departure Scan
10/19/2011 9:23 P.M. Arrival Scan
Highland Heights, OH, United States 10/19/2011 8:41 P.M. Departure Scan
10/19/2011 7:13 P.M. Forwarded to the facility in the destination city.
10/19/2011 6:18 P.M. Pickup Scan
10/19/2011 1:38 P.M. The shipment has been dropped off and is now at The UPS Store®.


Views: 1827

Replies to This Discussion

I was not correct on the use of the term "bonus" in this lease. I believed the bonus to be an additional payment, for signing with them.  The bonus was getting all the money upfront. My mistake for not asking the right question. I have to say, all in all, still a good deal .


Yeah, I am not sure that I get what ur trying to say there either Mickey... In this instance the "bonus" payment is interchangeble with "Advanced Delay Rental Payment"... But most people prefer to hear it referred to as an upfront signing bonus.

You got it Nelson, I ran the wording by several, but did not send  the actual lease, so it was my fault not knowing the correct terms and language.  Not as much as I figured but it was really cool to see some old timers get paid, the land has finally made their lives a bit easier,,,put my dumbass back into perspective !!! 


By the way, went up to two guys,,  wasn't you. Then I see a guy in a red shirt and black jacket,, Missed introducing myself as I had bombed on the first two attempts !  Heading in to town for some groceries and lunch, will check back later !!  Peace !!

Lol.  Sounds like third time would have been the ticket Mickey.  I was wearing Red shirt with black jacket & jeans yesterday.  Perhaps another time.  Some of us are going to maybe plan a get together once our checks come in, so maybe we can include you on that one.

It was just one of those days I guess.  Started off signing the closing document, then they lost/misplaced/couldn't find/never printed the lease, one hour wait, got to the next table, first page of the lease was wrong, 40 minute wait, signed, got two free hats and we were on our way ! 

But to see the faces of the owners, those who have worked the land for so many years, light up was well worth it !! Seemed like a weight was lifted and they were smiling. 


Even though I was wrong on my figures, it is still a blessing and outs my wife just a bit closer to retiring and us selling the Cleveland house and moving here permanently .  Some of the guys I worked with ask why I bought property 2 hours away and what do I do all day ? I just smile ,,,

Our signing went very smoothly. We had signed our letter of intent at the last meeting so everything was ready for us. We spent about 45 min. in line. Went thru the stations very quickly and were done,signed and out the door within 20-30 min. Now, the wait for the check.

Nelson, I have a nagging question which I believe you can answer.  Can you clarify if the "signing bonus" is a one-time payment or a series of "delay rental" payments.  For example, will a 5 year, $5k an acre lease be paid upfront or paid as $1000 an acre each year for 5 years? Using my example, if you have 100 acres will the lessor receive $500K after lease signing or $100,000?  Thanks.

Hi Thomas,

It all depends on the language of the lease.  However almost all of the ones that are being offered now are "paid up" leases which means that it will be a one time upfront payment (as long as you have good/clear title on the mineral rights).  So in your example, the landowner would receive 500k.

i have 115 acres in millwood and oxford township in guernsey county.  does any one know if there are any groups in this area?  I hear of all the activity and do not wish to miss out.

Hey Walt,

I believe our group with KWGD is still accepting acreage.  You can reach them at (330)-497-0700.  You can ask to speak with Ryan Reaves, Machele McBurney, or Bonnie Yeaman.  Any of them will be able to assist you.  We actually had our main lease signing this past Saturday (22nd), but we still have a couple weeks to bring new members on board.


Check your inbox/friend requests.  & no, we were not the group that was in the Jeff last week & signing at S.E. equip.


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