Nelson Roe
  • Male
  • Cambridge, OH
  • United States
  • Landowner

Nelson Roe's Friends

  • Tara Zrinski
  • beth graybill
  • Amy
  • Barry Sheehan
  • ida roberts
  • Alexandra Mayer
  • F Donia
  • Mickey Shank
  • Brian Sutphin
  • Philip Brutz
  • Faith Johnson
  • Chris Smith
  • Ken & Jill Nehls
  • evan

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Marcellus, Utica

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At 2:58am on February 9, 2012, F Donia said…

Hey Nelson,

I hope it will prove to be a lively discussion.  Seems that Ohio is on top of the Fraking issue.  Some want to ban it as a way to force renewable energy's adoption.  Think they have it backwards.  We have been doing homework on how we can use our Gulfport bonus to go Solar. 

See you there?


At 9:07am on January 11, 2012, Mickey Shank said…

Hi Nelson,

             I hope this finds you well ! I just got off the phone with the recorders office and she told me she signed the same day with Gulfport as we did. Guldport is doing all title searches first and then going back to file. She said to call back around the first week of Feb . I believe our 120 days are up Feb 19th, but I don't have the contract in front of me.  Be well and keep in touch ! 



At 12:31am on December 16, 2011, michael j belaj said…

Flow back water is some what like ocean water however it contains some heavy metals. Flow back water is almost all fresh water production water is salt water. I removed the post that you ask about. Some of the things I write about is best taken  off after a short period of time. Mike

At 6:57am on November 3, 2011, Chris Smith said…



What are your thoughts on this land bank concept?

At 11:09am on October 18, 2011, Chris Smith said…
Sent in the forms today.  Bonnie informed me I will get a e-mail or voice message regarding the acceptance into the group.  I'm optimistic.  She sent the offer from the energy company (acceptance letter) also.  Certainly not disappointed.  She mentioned saturday for the signing for those in the group.  what are you hearing about how long it takes for the signing bonus' to get distributed after the lease is signed?  I know they need to do a title search on all of us.
At 8:37am on October 14, 2011, V Miller said…


    Yes i would be interested in hearing more about what KWGD  and your group has to offer.  Fill me in sometime.  Thanks


At 3:39pm on October 10, 2011, Red Skelton said…
I added that comment in order to hopefully bring in some extras to help satisfy the 75% per this evenings email from KWGD.
At 4:00am on August 1, 2011, michael j belaj said…
Nelson from cambridge take 77 north get off  at the kimbolton exit turn left  go to stop sign left 658 go to little Indian road follow little Indian out about 2 miles location on left you will know it when you get there. Mike
At 7:59am on July 29, 2011, Jeanette Krunich said…

The names were Bud Larrick and Brenda & Wayne Dodd.  Jeanette Krunich

At 7:08am on July 21, 2011, michael j belaj said…
Nelson  I know a attorney that drills his name is Jerry Jordan a fine attorney and he knows how to drill a well he has drilled several. How do you know what a drilling company will do when they lease your property do the reserch ask the right questons find out the facts that is what I do. I know a attorney in Cambridge that is charging his clients 10% of the bonus money to handle there lease that is just wrong he should be reported to the bar association. Sounds like you may have a law degree if so use it to guied people and give them good advice. I have been in the oil and gas business for over 30 years. I know what I am talking about you want me to back that up I  would be  happy to. Thanks Mike  

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