Southwestern Energy Company

Company Update and Guidance Presentation:

Southwestern Energy Company

Company Update and 2015 Guidance Call Tuesday, December 30, 2014 11:00 AM EST


Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you and your families.



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So what does this mean for those who entered into leases with Chesapeake in 2012? Will the terms of the leases change? Will the leases still expire in 2017? Thank you to anyone who can provide some information.
What it means is Chesapeake is history. Your leases have been assigned to Southwestern Energy at the Hancock County Courthouse. Nothing changes the terms of your existing lease. Hopefully, it means that Southwestern will drill multiple wells per pad and actually develop the area, whereas Chesapeake was just holding the the area waiting for a buyer. If they drill a well and create a unit with your property in it prior to May 2017, then your lease will not expire but you would receive a steady royalty stream of income instead.


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