Has anyone heard about permits for the Weaver Road area?

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No permits yet,just pipeline work,there getting it ready for something? permits are slow in mahoning for some reason.

They have fixed the railroad crossing on Weaver by bringing the road up about a foot and making the grade easier for big trucks to get over it.

i also noticed they paved over the crossings at palmyra and blott. maybe this was done for legal wieght   trucks. the road to a pad site is usualy ground and repaved to handle the gravel truck and associated drilling and fracing equiptment.

some company was around here a few days ago wanting to do seismic testing for $5 a acre

anyone else have that guy come around


We had a young man from New York stop about a week ago.  Frontrunner seismic, said he had about 5000 people to talk to.  We're supposed to call him when it's convenient for us to meet.

I haven't talked to anyone yet. They usually call first.

Has anyone heard anymore about the Cobra pipeline? I got my contract back but when I talked to them in early summer they were still trying to get peoplet to sign. A few people were holding out thinking they could get a lot more money per foot but they told me if they can't get them to sign they will go around them some how.


Deborah-did they tell you the route the pipeline would take?  First I've heard about a pipeline project in mahoning county, really interested since they claim that's what's holding up drilling here.  Thanks

This is Cobra for North East Ohio Gas which is who I have  for natural gas. It will be a pipe laid right where the other is laying along Weaver road and points north and south that belong to them but they want to put a larger pipe in on top of the other one. Haven't heard anything for several months.

I heard it is a 36 inch pipe? That's a big pipe is it for gas or oil?

It is for natural gas thats all Cobra does. They only own 80 miles of pipe. They said that some people wanted thier first born in order to go across their property. They figured they could get as much as the leases. I was happy with 15 a foot. Since they already have the right of way.


Thanks for the info Deborah!


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