I've heard from multiple people that there are problems at the Milton site? Anyone hear anything?
When this well was first drilled, local talk was that it was to be the highest producing well in OH. The Columbiana ALOV and everyone else was talking about it. Now all of a sudden, it's a dud. I was leased in November when they would have already known it was a dud. Why would they continue to lease in the immediate area of a dud well?
" ... When this well was first drilled, local talk was that it was to be the highest producing well in OH ..."
Your joking, right?
The Buell Well is the highly productive well in Ohio.
The Geatches well has yet to prove itself.
"... Now all of a sudden, it's a dud ..."
It wasn't all of sudden, this well had issues from day one.
It took forever to complete that well.
There was "no commercial production in 2011".
Can you post a link to the source that states high rates of Gas & Oil ever flowed?
Chill out, I'm just stating local talk. Of course I have no production reports, no one does. Could be just everyone getting excited about nothing at the beginning. If it had issues from day one, why the continued leasing? And maybe the issues are not all that negative. Either way, I ended up with a decent bonus and lease so I'm already ahead of the game. Dang, you guys are brutal..lol.
As far as I knew this well was originally a test bore to check viability in the area. Through a series of permits and drill rigs has become a lateral well with intentions for production. As everyone else on here has done I will speculate because only CHK and OBE know the true results. I think the well is certainly not the Buell gusher however, can be commercially viable and due to the fact that it has been a learning curve for drilling in the Utica and currently unable to get product to market chk has been doing R&D with it to determine the best way to extract the resource. You can't bat 1000, they need do determine how to make the future wells most profitable, drill methods will have an effect so why not figure out how to do it correctly now so the remaining wells in the area, will be farther ahead. In terms of benefit to landowners in the area I think it was a grand slam as it has shown the area is viable for drilling and may lead to faster drill-production terms and better extraction vs just drilling with past methods. Just my half cent
There are new signs (small) on Mahoning ave from st rt 534 east to Newton Falls road. Green say 'Chesapeake approved route', just past nf road there are red signs on both sides of Mahoning ave. that say 'no Chesapeake traffic'. Green signs go north on Newton Falls to Geatche's well then red just past driveway. Has anyone heard about anything new going on with this well?
Does this mean this well is finally going into production??
The White Traffic Control Signs at many of the wells in NE Ohio have been replaced with Green & Red signs. I do not think the new green/red colored signs implies that the status or operations at the Geatches Well, or any other well, has changed.
Hi US. There were no traffic control signs of any kind around Geatches well. The new signs showed up the beginning of last week-though there isn't anything going on there yet.
Per ODNR the STATUS of this well is now: "INACTIVE"
Bad well or no pipeline? Sure would be nice to know.
I saw the pipeline on odnr and I thought i saw them laying pipe to the well-wasn't sure if maybe they decided line wasn't up to the pressure they claimed on this well. Every map I see has this area at least in wet gas and possibly oil. Sure makes you think there must be a serious problem with the well, though I sure don't understand why they put that huge pumpjack on the well if it's bad.
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