I'm new to "gomarcellusshale", as well as new to this business.  We have a 152 acre farm with "Clinton" gas wells which supply our needs.

We've been approached by Fossil Creek Energy Corp (FCEC) for $50/acre, 12.5% Royalty, and $10,000 if a well is drilled.  We are sitting on the Utica Strata.  I've carefully read the lease and am very suspicious of the terms.  We are consulting attorneys.  I don't see any members from Noble County..and some interesting notes from Guernsey which lead me to suspect the FCEC lease.  Can they broker a lease after signing "cheap"?

We have news of ARTEX Oil offering leases in our County, they're out of Marietta.  Any comment on FCEC, ARTEX, and my suspicions would be welcomed!

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Teresa, I'd love to get a copy!  Our situation is there's 7 of us cousins that own the land ~150 acres..I'm in Maine...my bro in law is on the farm as is my mom..we are trying keep track of the "mysteries" of this and make good decisions.  We might want to get the Group (that met last week) to think together..so need a way to communicate.  Maybe if we shared emails..I don't know.  Working on this as we speak.

I'm very put off by being 'pressured' into a decision in 'five days' without the needed research...but if we don't all act together, and some sign, others don't..probably not as good as a group action.

My email address is sofreemac@gmail.com  If you don't mind, I'd love to see the lease.  I've already read one from Fossil, but that was five months ago..apparently they've changed!

Lets stay in touch!


I just sent you the lease....let me know what you think.


Teresa, Thanks for sending the lease..got it at home! Will certainly keep you in the loop if anything breaks on the FCEC front!
I'm interested in the Eclipse comments, and the legal team KWGD..do u know anything about them? A good O & G legal person should review the lease and recommend modifications if needed...

Yes, my neighbor said they needed something like 1400 acres all together and that eveyone in this area needed to be on board or no deal. There are 12 or 13 people in the group and I know one of them has well over 500 acres.


Sounds like some companies are approaching people in Noble County. Anyone in Enoch Township?
I received a letter in the mail from Eclipse yesterday and from talking with my neighbor who attended this informal meeting with Fossil...he stated that more were coming  from Pa.
Got one too.
Yes were are near quaker city and we now have offers for anywhere from $2200-$2400 per acre with 15-16% royalties.  It all sounds very good just not sure if anyone will get paid.  I understand a few have already signed.
I think higher offers will come in the near future. Watch for a meeting coming in next 2 weeks or so with KWGD - Nathan Vaughn who is actively adding landowners to their group. Same with Virtual Energy Teams - Randy Hunt


Do you know if these firms will negotiate with the small parcel land owners or are they only interested in signing up the larger ones.



Both are interested in taking as many acres big & small as possible. I checked a reference on KGHB that had a landowner group in Carrol Cty that a lease deal was successfully negotiated with Chesapeake Oil in Sept of last year. The guy said they put as much effort & emphasis on the small landowner as they did the large ones. Drilling had just started the day that I talked to him by the way which was yesterday. I am very encouraged by everything this guy had to say.
Just noticed I said KGHB ....correct name is KWGD,


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