Old thread much too long to follow. 


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Again, I thank you for explaining the processes involved in fracking!  Easy to understand how drillings could collect and restrict and even plug the gas flow from an otherwise great producing lateral.  I seem to recall many years ago of wells in the area being cleaned out and restoring the flow.  Someone said that very hard pellets were pumped into each well under tremendous pressure. Scale and other debris was loosened and gas flow restored.  I recall a large derrick or drilling rig rolling slowly up Broughton Hollow road about 45 years or more ago. Don't know where they were heading however. Long before fracking!  Only vertical  wells here then I believe.

I presume that putting P-pad#2 on line might be delayed a little.

Granddad Ladd

Well tomorrow HRI is likely to have to do the entire job all over again. Weatherman shows the entire state is in for a great deal of rain, Maybe hit and miss but about a half inch or thereabouts.

Visitors here should give their input to these threads. Certainly they must have questions or should have any way, concerning their property or the general area they live in. 

Granddad Ladd

You have doubts that Eclipse can deliver then?

Granddad Ladd


Your statement here upsets me a little. "I personally hope for a very winter."

When the pipeline was cleared, I asked that logs be deposited where I could get to them fairly easily.

One pile was placed where I was able to access them without much problem. Two other piles, a different story.

I burn wood for heating the house.  I no longer had a tractor to skid the logs to an area suitable for blocking and splitting.

A discussion I had was that one pile of logs could not be moved across another's property and back to the owner's land.  (Might cause a dispute of ownership of logs!)  so I was told.  The other pile of logs could easily have been brought down the very steep hill to where they could accessed much easier. As it is that second pile is at the top of the pipeline "ROW".

The third pile was deposited at a easily accessed area.

I hired a man that had the necessary equipment to skid, block up an split that third pile.  But he seems reluctant to skid those other piles. His machine is not really made to work on steeper grades .

I really hate to see logs lay and rot away like this. A very large waste!  The third pile of cut and spilt wood should last me until the first of the year.

And now you are hoping for a very hard winter.  You wanna, come block these logs, split and haul the wood to my house?  I have chainsaws, a wood splitter,  a four wheeler and trailer.

What I do not have is a youthful body, the stamina and strength to do the job!

Our previous woodcutter,  (to be kind to him), left much to be desired! 

Granddadd Ladd

My woodcutter did pretty good at first. but then little by little, he'd come but always some reason was lacking. Needed a new chain, Had no oil for chain. Gave him a good six quarts. Needed to get a cup of coffee at his buddies place. 

He ask,"What was my hurry, still lots of time to cut wood before snow flies. Gonna buy a 4 wheel drive truck to haul blocks of wood to the house with!"  We even offered to let him have half the wood he cut. And we paid him, often at the end of the day!

We allowed him to build a little shelter from timbers of our fallen barn. We let him hunt for Ginseng and pick blackberries and hunt deer too.   We started missing a few items too.

Just one excuse after another!

Last time he showed up, he was very put out because we let another man do the job.

I said to him,  "We ain't  waiting until three feet of snow falls and wood is still in those piles and the house is freezing cold."

Have not seen him since!

Granddad Ladd

We have known this person and his family for years. ... (60 years). And I'll bet that you may know them too.  Parents well known and respected in Westfield.  Kids???? not so much.

Oh well!  We will survive or at least I will anyway.

Granddad Ladd 

I never shied away from physical work either OT.  I never made any money but the sheriff was never after me either! Loved to explore my area, especially the forested areas....always hiking on foot. And always ready to help neighbors  or anyone needing assistance...….No pay needed or expected.  Seeing little kids happy, warm,  fed and cared for has always been most important in my life! 

Sorry to get off the main subject of Gas and Oil well industry here on this thread!

 Granddad Ladd

Electric power went out yesterday for about two hours yesterday up Broughton Hollow Road.  Computer was bonkers too afterward.

I deleted a few of my postings concerning past experiences of bad road conditions too.  Not a great day for Lu's family. She is the youngest of ten kids and seems to be the "sounding board" concerning their own problems.

We do have our own difficulties to contend with.

Having to pump water from cellar every day now.  And guess what? raining again today!

I have always said that life is a series of problems to be solved!   If there were no problems to solve, there would be no life of any kind!  

Seems like there are no problems to look at here on this site.  HHHHMMMMMM!    All we all deceased?  Have all of the gas well problems here in Westfield township been solved?

Granddad Ladd

My Dad said many times, "The Squeeky Wheel gets the Grease!"

Seems like the entire industry is pretty much at a standstill.

Scores of CEO's, mathimatitians ,  Drilling company owners, etcetera are sitting at their computers, A spread sheet program on their screen, all punching in numbers and whatever facts they can come up with and trying to squeeze one more dollar for their bank account.

All well and good! And after it has all been checked out and approved, many times over, their plan is put into action...…..Sometimes successful to their expectations,   But not always.  One  small number or fact that is true today or this minute can change in an instant...……… And blow everything to hell!

Even unexpected accidents!

Granddad Ladd 

Remember that the #2 lateral was permitted to roughly twice the length of #1. That means that the second well will be draining twice the area. So unless production is double what #1 made, the royalties paid per acre actually drained won't be as great. Painter #1 had a pretty good start, and to double that will require initial monthly production above anything reported in Tioga County to date. I've got acreage in that unit myself and am betting on some solid sales over the first year, but it will be some time before we know if this one is really better per lateral foot than the first.

Expect JKLM and Eclipse to make a deal before long - neither company wants to leave any acreage stranded in the areas where both have been active.

"OH GOODY, GOODY GUMDROPS!" As A kid my sister and I used to say these words to each other whenever there was an expectation of something nice coming in the future. LOL!

Let's not tell anyone!

I look forward to having a dinner at APPLEBYS or PONDEROSA. Even a dollar cheese burger from McDonalds would be great, instead of a peanut butter sandwich!

Granddad Ladd


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