Our family was contacted by Dorso Energy last week regarding 111 acres my father in law still had the mineral rights on in Franklin Township, Westmoreland.  Anyone know anything about Dorso?  The paperwork is supposed to arrive tomorrow, but if I understood him correctly, the offer was $1000 per acre bonus, 12.5% royalty and not sure about the lease term.  I've been researching a lot on this forum and other sights so I've gotten a lot of education this past week so I know this is probably a ridiculously low intro offer.  Any thoughts?  I'm guessing our next step is to contact an oil & gas attorney and figure out what the property might even be worth and if any drills are nearby?  We live in Florida so this is a little difficult to do long distance.  I'm not trying to be greedy, but don't want to be taken advantage of either.  There is no other family involved and we don't know any of the other parties or where we are within the unit.  Not really sure at this point where we begin???!!  Thanks for any help


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How about Unity, Ligonier, Cook Townships any companies leasing? Any idea where pipeline is going in these townships? Would like any info that's out there. Is this area considered wet or dry? Would like any info that's out there. THANKS


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