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At 3:42am on November 21, 2011, HawkDriver said…


Hey thanks for the info its a big help.  I guess what I'm thinking about doing is a little bit different from your situation.  I already have 8 ponds that are basiclly being filled from the same source.  They are old strip ponds and beaver ponds that all lay along two drainages on my property.  I have always wanted to improve the dams in order to protect against them failing during heavy rains.  I lost one pond in the spring of 2010 due to a heavy storm.  Fortunately, it was one of my smaller ponds.

What I want to do is put in proper dams and hold back more water.  The ponds will refill them selves quickly during the spring and I could sell quite a bit of water from them.  If I made a turn around area on my property where they could fill the trucks up and move back out to the well site easily, I would think they would be willing to go for that.  The benefit is I would get paid for fixing the ponds the way I want to anyways.  If I could sell them 10 million gallons that would be a $100k return for fixing my ponds up.  If I did that a couple of years in a row.........well you get the idea :-)

We signed with XTO in September.  Should get bonus payment couple of weeks before Christmas.  We are some of the first to sign with XTO in Belmont county.  With the interest in the wet gas, I hope to be getting drilled on soon. (< 2 years?)

Thanks for the help.  I hope your well comes in big time.  Keep me posted on how things go.



At 8:33am on November 18, 2011, HawkDriver said…


Is that pond for a well they are drilling on your property or will they be using it for multiple wells?  I have been toying with the idea of improving my ponds to hold more water and thought I could set up an area for them to pull off the road and fill water trucks at.  They buy water for a penny a gallon so every million gallons you can sell them is another $10,000.  My ponds are filled by run off and springs.  If I could hold 4 mil gal, then I could make $40,000 everytime the ponds filled up.  Maybe you could ask them if this would be something they would be interested in.




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