Natural Gas NOW Picks of the Week - November 18, 2017

Natural Gas NOW readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy.

Here’s more great material sent along by Natural Gas NOW readers; great stuff highlighting the power of natural gas and the absurdity of fractivism. Check out the links below:

U.S. Consumers Saving Big-Time on Utility Costs Can Thank Pennsylvania

The Marcellus is the heart of why our gas natural gas prices aren’t expected to come anywhere close to the high prices that we saw pre-shale days…

  • Annual Pennsylvania natural gas production boomed by 2,800%
  • The gas price that utilities are charging residential customers dropped ~75%
  • There was a 40% percent cost reduction in natural gas bills for Pennsylvanians…

Nationally, gas is rising from being almost 45% of total U.S. generation capacity to soon being 50%. There’s 90,000 megawatts of new gas coming online over the next few years, a 20% rise or so in current gas capacity. By 2022, some 35 U.S. states will rely on natural gas as their primary fuel for electricity. Pennsylvania itself is leading the way: new gas plants will bring in around $12-14 billion in new investments and 13,000 MW of new capacity in the next few years alone.

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