Pennsylvania Governor Proposes Tax On Marcellus Drillers

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Comment by Gene Water Recycler aka.PPC on May 16, 2010 at 11:03am
The Marcellus and its impact: Can anyone answer these questions?
What is the social and economic impact of the play in PA?
What the projected could do for me? for PA?
Jobs and economic impacts
Addressing environmental concerns
The future of natural gas
Environmental footprint
Water resources
Comment by Gene Water Recycler aka.PPC on February 19, 2010 at 7:07am
Dear SK Miller,

I appreciate your comment, but you are very mis-informed. There is not Fracturing Chemicals in your drinking water, nor in the soil or air. You are also not focusing on the citizens of the state or nation, we need natural gas for energy and energy independence. The main ingredients in frac fluids are water and sand a small amount of solutions of gel the natural minerals, metal and sand for the flowback.

I live in PA and have small children, I certainly do not want harm to our water. Our state has mandated precautions that seem extreme yet every producer follows to contain and monitor all the water entering and leaving the wellsites.

To think we need to catch the bad guys before they escape, these are businesses that are here for the long run, if any harm is caused we all will know before they leave and that is not expected for at least the next 6 to 7 years.

I am in the business of cleaning water and saving our American resources, I have laboratories who test water and they are amazed at how what they thought was contaminants are no longer present. SK there are people out here who want the best for all of us because we are your neighbors too.

Municipal water has a greater chance of damaging our water then a remote well site with DEP and quanitifible reporting. If we raise taxes you bet Rendell will put it toward other areas beyond environment, he doesn't want to correct anything in the environment, just bolster the budget for pet projects.

Please explain if you respond how you believe our air, water and soil could be impacted, but first look at the DEP program for all the industry must do to accommodate wild speculations not based on fact just conjucture.

In closing, this conversation is what makes are county great, we can disagree and still express our thoughts.
Comment by SK Miller on February 19, 2010 at 6:37am
My understanding of the tax is to tax those who are destroying the environment in Pennsylvania, natural gas drillers, not the citizens who have already suffered from the environmental fracturing chemicals in their drinking water. We can't get accountability for the pollution, at least a tax on the drillers would be somewhat beneficial if the governor doesn't use it on salary increases or other pathetic ventures. The money needs saved, the water, air and soil is polluted from fracturing chemicals. This is a tax on the drillers, not citizens. We need to tax them before they get away!

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