I have been advised that a lease has to be notarized by a notary from the county for which the lease is written.  If not, the lease is void.  Does anyone have any knowledge on this subject???


Praying for a Miracle

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maybe that is why they let the contract go unactive...because the landman did you well.

I am finding that they will choose a well where the Lessor has no financial gain even though there are other parcels in the unit that would be just as good but have financial gain written into their contracts for the Lessor.  So if they choose to leave you out is most likely because they wanted the contract more their way...of course it may be for other reasons.  This is a reason that some of the smaller companies are rising up to be more congenial to lease with as they are paying attention to the responses that they are hearing from disgruntled Lessors.


I'm sure the O&G have it all figured out. They're a whole lot smarter than I am.

Smarter?  No!

Trickier?   Yes!




I heard a landman tell us in one of our discussions recently that he gets paid by the hour not by commission of the sale...so Betty in that case it would be like a employee not deriving any direct benefit from the negotiation of the lease..just an hourly employee doing a job....like a secretary with a notary seal.

Glenn, not all land agents are notaries...maybe in your case.

The guy from Chevron who saw us at our home in Worth Twp. was a full time employee with them, Atlas previously for a number of years, was from Pgh., his wife worked there also, and he was a Notary.

I just think there are alot of new guys out there and every Company handles it differently.

Same also goes for the guy from Seneca we saw. They have the wells in our area.

He seemed very experienced in this, they were both very thorough and professional.


My understanding  is that a notary cannot be a "party" in the transaction, i.e. if Joe Smith is the Lessee of the Oil and Gas lease and Joe Smith is also the notary then he may not act as the notary in this transaction, that is what is meant by benefiting from a transaction.


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