Any current offers going on?

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1500 eog gross 18%, 1700 ironhead gross 16%, 3000 encino gross 16%… whats going around in southwest guernsey

Quite a spread across those 3 entities working SW Gue Co. Leases get signed & memorandums get recorded; Question is; has anyone actually been paid that $3K Encino (EAP) number noted above & what did they give away in the terms (addendum's) to receive it.  Need to ensure comparing Apples to Apples.  Ex, what's the 2% gross diff worth in the upfront lease bonus amount?

Could ya explain more?

I know people who have been paid by Encino.

Seems they are shorting people to offset bidding on saltfork saltfork bud was 5500 and 20 percent…..
Thanks everyone for replies Happy Thanksgiving!

Appalachian Resources 18% gross 4000 acre

Seems the going

 purple land ascent lease we got offered  is 20% gross 5000$ a acres no top ground no waste injection  well, Belmont county  hear a well is going to fall about 300ft off Guernsey county border drilling depths is 23,850ft and 13,000ft laterals.  well pad is getting made many people aint leased yet  got this lease getting look at by lawyer now. Other stipulation payment will come till  first of  next year first quarter, 

They interested in Cambridge area?
EAP has leased a couple p farms on 8th st and Sarchetts run rd
EAP has leased a couple of farms on 8th st and Sarchetts Run rd


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