If you have a better idea, I am all listening. Your criticism is unfounded, unfair, and just plain wacky. Some of you need to take your medication or get some. When I came to Monroe county, I came and gave you all the information that I had about the shale play. I have raised the bar on educating the landowner about the pitfalls of leasing. I have been told by dozens of people that my meetings are the most informative out there and most of you if not all owe what you ahve learned about oil the Utica shale to me.

So what have I done to you to deserve these ridiculous attacks. Did I run over soemones dog. People say I dont return phone calls. Im am on the phone all hours of the day and night. I have spent my hard earned money and the money of my investors to help you, yes you get a good deal.

If you know so much, hold your own meeting. I would love to see you try. Some groups have formed here and there, but they havent been paid either. The river group, not paid, Roland Lazarro and Midstream hasnt paid a soul yet, Lensman, ILG, and so on we go.

You dont like me, why no one of know anything about me. I have been completely and I mean completely truthful at every meeting. You have no idea how hard it has been to deal with the oil companies on your behalf and just attack, attack attack. Get a life people.

You are not interested in the truth. You just want to be critical. Someone wants me to bring proof ofth LOI's that I have received and the deals not working out. There is no way, those documents could ever be made public, the are confidentail in nature and I could have legal trouble and consequences.

Again, our title program is a unique approach that is the first time that has been tried with landowners. So it is a work in progress. To just attack something that you dont understand is lunacy. Some on here have siad that title can be done for same the cost as mortgage title. This is completely and utterlly untrue. But people just want to run their mouth.

No two titles are the same. Period. There is simpy no way to put a value on pulling one title versus another. To say that the cost for one acre versus one thousand should be the same, is just not reasonable. If title is so easy, then why are the courthouses packed to the gills with people working for hours researching.

Folks, the truth is, people have gotten a little education and now they think they are experts. Even Finnbear with his YEARS or experience, which after reading his posts, I find hard to believe because he is so wrong about a lot of things. There is so much about this business that ou people simply do not know or understand.

The goal folks is to help you get a fair and reasonable deal. That has always been the goal. In life, you are either part of the problem or part of the solution. I challenge any of you, anytime anywhere, come to my meetings. Ask the hard questons. I have never duycked a question. I may have given an answer that you didnt like, but never the less, I have given the truth. So bring it on!!! Dont hide on the internet. Come to a meeting, show what you got. Bring facts, not fiction. Show us the proof youa re all talking about on here.A nd let the folks out there see what the truth really is. Im calling you out. Show me who has the balls to asnwer my challenge,

Otherwise, shut your lousy worhtless crazy mouth and stop telling stuff that isnt true!!!!

Views: 8476

Replies to This Discussion

Des , are you really this stupid ???  To come out and insult most of Monroe county is crazy .

I have been to your meetings and you don't always  keep your word .

You wait till people are up in arms and then try to back your way out , 

this is acting in a Tactical way not in a Strategic way . This will get you almost every time .

Maybe it's because I'm one of those crackpots but I would have a hard time signing on to any deal with an attorney whose knowledge and use of the English language was so pedestrian.  I mean, if you can't figure out punctuation and grammar then what are the chances that you can write a complicated lease?

 The more I think about this Des has a inferior complex . Notice when he is threaten his spelling and landowner friendly attitude gets put in the closet and the real jerk is unveiled .

He is getting what he deserves .

We call people like him the ONE TIME SALESPERSON .They only focus on the $ not the people .

It should be both ways and the loyalty will follow .

I think one might look into  his past to see what this wanna be WHACK-JOB is really about , HUMMMM .

Marcus, He is not an attorney nor is he a licensed Real estate agent? What I understand he was a land-man for a shallow driller out of canton/wooster area Schneider OIl and then started  DM Oil? I'm still confused whether the company he is operating under to sell these title searches to the landowner (ohio Landowner consultants) as of today still does not appear on the secretary of state site as a company licensed to do business in Ohio??

My mistake, I thought he was an attorney.  He's still a jackass, right?

Has anyone looked into this Schneider Oil company ?

Schreiner Oil & Gas, Inc

Time will tell, obviously you know about Des & his history with Shreiner oil & gas, why not just share rather than us all looking into it?

Tom ,  the way I was told  the company tied up a lot of land owners leases , the

land owners had to hire Lawyers to untangle there leases .

Des worked for them .

Thanks time will tell, I now no what Im looking for! will dig into it, guess those others still on the fence should also?

Let me know Tom .

He also said Antero had no money to pay and were cherry picking, I heard they have already started a well & have paid quite a few landowners & I hear they are exercising their additional 30 days to complete their title work as the court house is so busy and the rest will be paid within 30 days.


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