Have had a few people tell me they were approached by someone pushing  leases for Utica Exploration. Has anyone been approached or have knowledge of this outfit?  Flipper?

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Is the money the same as what they were offering before or is it more now.

Yes it's the same.  We had a small window to build a few test blocks in areas without any existing wells, but that program has been discontinued.

to dan saarla and other ashtabula county group members

   i retract my previous statments that i made about dan's integrigity ,professionalism and morals. i have contacted the neighbors that i had talked with before and there was a misunderstanding as far as the properties that were highlighted on dans map and who he said had actually signed. i appoligize to you dan for the online blast, and was wrong in doing so before i fully asked all questions that needed to be asked. i took the peoples word and did not fully research the claim . again i am sorry and wish sincerely  you the best in your endevor


Thank you for the apology and for deleting your prior remarks.  I will delete my prior replies to you as well.  I really want to believe that your apology is sincere.  But unfortunately over 1000 views witnessed the false character defamation attacks that you made against my real name on this site and the derogatory remarks that others made in relation to your comments that were posted on this site for several days before I was notified of your actions and able to join this site and defend myself.

I think that it is only fair that you reveal your real name (at least to this post), with your apology for another 1000 views to witness. 

I would also like to give Bob Barr kudos for stepping up.   The man doesn’t  owe me a dime. 

-brynmore  I highly suggest that you notify others on this site that have participated in negative attacks or derogatory remarks to read this sites Terms of Service stating-  You agree that you will not post, in a manner that is libelous or defamatory, or in a way that is otherwise threatening, abusive, violent, harassing, malicious or harmful to any person or entity, or invasive of another's privacy.

My attorney has reviewed the remarks that were made during this post and has advised me that it is a very serious matter with grounds for a character defamation suit and he also noticed many other attacks on this site that most likely would also be grounds for law suits. 

–brynmore,  If possible, I would rather take the high road, forgive and forget and let you buy me a beer for all this grief that you have caused me. ok?

TO ALL:  I am doing the best that I can with the resources provided to me and I sincerely want everyone in our community to prosper.  Ohio’s economy has been hit hard and I have witnessed countless foreclosures that might have been avoided if these opportunities had come sooner.  If there is another company out there that is able to offer more money than I am allowed to offer, I understand.  If I could, I would give everybody a “million dollars”, but unfortunately I have to work within the framework that I am given.  I would also like to clarify to every land owner that it has been explained to me like this, “Dan this is what’s been allotted for this area at this time, and if the landowner doesn’t  get paid, then neither do you”.  So please, unless you are trying to run for “political office”, enough with all of the negativity.  I understand and appreciate that we all have our opinions, but please have some couth people.  

Gentlemen and ladies I have been reading the banter for a while. I would like to share my thoughts and experiences with you if I may.  I am a land owner in the Plymouth area and have had discussions with Mr. Saarela. I contacted a law firm in the canton area and they directed me to a gentleman which has a lot of experience in this field. The bottom line is the Wishgard is a fair company and my advisor said this is a blessing don't let this opportunity slip away. Please feel free to ask me any questions, I will be more than glad to answer and help in any way. Thank you Mark Clay.

Mark, You would have a lot of educated landowners disagree with you about Wishgard. I sure would like to know the lawyer you spoke to. Go ahead and sign with Wishgard I dont care.  Your advisor is right when he said this is a blessing.Good luck to you.


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