Attached map shows well locations and well types for several eastern Ohio counties. The map index allows you to select different counties, townships and well types; you can zoom in and out to change your viewing altitude; you can get well information by positioning you mouse over the well pin; newer wells (after 6/10) are identified with red pins, larger red pins identify likely Utica wells.


To view this map you need the latest version Google Earth viewer.  The free viewer can be downloaded at:  Google limits the number of concurrent data points/well locations - if you open more than three counties at once some data points may disappear.


The map shows some interesting patterns.  The high density green pin areas are likely good  areas for Clinton wells... will these be Goldilocks areas for the Utica wells?   Most of the black hole zones are likely due to poor producing wells and most of the current Utica wells are located in these areas...  do the geologist see these areas as good areas or is it simply that they were available for drilling?


I’d would be very interested in hearing back what others observe, theorize from the maps or know from experience or hear-say.

Views: 20588

Replies to This Discussion

The ASUNCION 15-11-3 1H is interesting.  You can start seeing how CHK lays out the unit.


Hello Phil.  I happen to find your note of 12/23/2011 regarding the Asuncion 15-11-3-3(H?) unit.  A portion of my land is in that unit and I wondered if you might have any additional updates.  I do check the ODNR site weekly on the status of the well (2 others) also but just wondered if you're in the general area...?  Anything you could add would be appreciated.  I live outside Columbus so I've not been in the area for quite some time.  Thanks!

Christine McBride

Sorry, but I live in Cleveland and my land is outside of Quaker City in Guernsey co. I have the same information that you have.

The HICKENBOTTOM 1 unit is surrounding a parcel of land owned by Belmont Co. that is not in the unit.  I wonder if you can force pool the Government? 

The unit also has a complex shape.  It will be interesting to see how they lay out the drilling pattern.

Could some one come up with the drilling permit? You at least in Muskingum County look up the land plat maps and see who the owners are. Which way could they drill on that site and remain 400' from the edge of the County property? ( Note here, I called the ODNR and was told by them a Utica well by depth versicle drilled would need a minimum of 40 acres and could not get any closer than 400'the from any property line not unitized in the the site. Also if it was a horizontal drilled well it would also have to stay 400' from any property line as well)
What would be neat is if anyone knows where a well was drilled upon taxpayers land a lease of that land would be public record and have been looking drawn up and agreed upon by a taxpayers attorney. We get free legal observation of how an attorney is representing us! We could basicly copy the lease as a guide line. An />
Merry Christmas
By the way for those that might not know it. Using the land plat maps will let you know who owns the property. Them look for records by owners name and you can can view the lease if one has been done lately. The terms of a neighboring lease might of your interest.

That is a complex unit, Philip. I would guess that they will modify that Hickenbottom unit over time as they put in more wells (e.g. get the county to join the unit), but for now they can most likely keep the whole unit HBP by just putting in a vertical well.  With a unit of that shape, I doubt their leases have Pugh clauses.  The better leases also have wording prohibiting such odd-shaped units, precisely because they can't be fully developed (efficiently at least) if they stay in that shape.

I updated the maps and added central Ohio wells.  There are now 7 map sections (files) that cover the eastern half of Ohio.   I can only fit 3 files per reply so look in the next three replies to get all seven.

I also included some of Philip's overlay maps.  You can open multiple maps concurrently depending on what areas or perspectives interest you.


reply 2 of 3

central Ohio well maps

For some reason I can't these to save as files any ideas?

Do they open in Google Earth?  Are you use a Mac or WIndows?

Windows they show as short cuts not files. Also the files are very small in nature.


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