CNX has applied for a permit in the Trenton formation. It hasn't been issued yet.

Location is between Bailey, Blott, Rosemont, and Palmyra Roads. Maybe this link will work.,+-80.8825714528047+(... Name: CADLE)


Congratulations Ron.


Edit: After clicking on the link, get rid of everything after the coordinates. It confuses google maps.

Views: 6434

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May not be the right place to post but Calla has been so very helpful in the past.  So my question is

I am selling my surface land keeping mineral rights.  Potential buyer is concerned that drilling company could use any part of the property to put in a well.  How much of a concern should this be?


I guess that would depend on if you are already leased, and what that lease says.

I believe you have 60 acres there. If there is nothing in your lease preventing surface use, I would think it is a pretty legit concern. There is no telling what could happen years from now.

Has anyone been approached by Seismic companies to do testing?

Some in Milton Twp. have.

I was last week. 5 bucks an acre but its a good thing asking as there is gas down there

Had a visit yesterday from a guy from Front Runner Seismic/Vector Seismic Processing, he is working to get 1100 Landowners signed up in NW Mahoning & SW Trumbull for testing April-Oct. 2013, he left a 1 Page "Permit to Conduct Geophysical Operations" Form, at $5/Acre for 18 months, I think this sounds like low$$ & a long time frame. Has anyone gotten a better offer?? I asked him who they are doing the work for, he mentioned BP, Chesapeake & Eric Petroleum. I told him the 1 page form was very vague  and gave him the 7 Page form from the ALOV website, he had gotten it from others. He told me the company was reviewing it and he would get back to me.

$5/acre is the going rate for seismic.  It's expensive to test, thus the lower payment.  But good seismic data is worth its weight in gold, so the more testing the better.  That'll help the E&P companies find the right spots and get production ramped up at an appropriate speed.

10/24/12-no pipe in the que.  Either they ran out of pipe or they're done drilling.  No visible extra equipment on site but there is a quantity of concrete dividers sitting on the gravel.  I will really miss this rig since it's the only one i've ever been able to see up close-but it will be good to watch the next step.

Update for Fri morning:  More pipe in the que and more pipe on the ground.  Maybe they ran out of pipe?  

Friday 12-28, rig's coming down.  Flatbed and equipment trucks on site.  Stopped to watch for a minute and a guard in the lot kept waving me on.  Waved back and left.  Found out later about the anti-frac protest so I guess that's why he didn't want me stopped there.  

Rig down and 'gone'?  Anybody know where it went?

nobel county


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