We are pleased to announce a new  Eastern Ashtabula Landowners Association Meeting . Please feel free to pass along this information to your neighbors. Bob Rea will be giving us some up to date information on what's happening in the area with the O/G play. Hope you can make it...

                               Veterans Memorial Performing Arts Center                    
                                Pymatuning Valley High School
                                   Tuesday August 14th   7pm
School is West of Andover on State Route 6.

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I am in neighboring Erie County  and about 10 miles from OH line.  Do you know how far these guys are planning on going east.  Thanks!  Also have you heard of Gas Lease Professionals a marketing company?  I think they may be out of business.

 New Eastern Ashtabula Landowners Association Meeting . Please feel free to pass along this information to your neighbors. Bob Rea will be giving us some up to date information on what's happening in the area with the O/G play. Hope you can make it...

                               Veterans Memorial Performing Arts Center                    
                                Pymatuning Valley High School
                                   Tuesday February 19th   7pm
School is West of Andover on State Route 6.

No breaking news to report. Early reports of plenty of title defects showing up with members parcels. 1 out of every 8 acres has issues. No matter who you sign with ,  better have clear title.

My family owns acreage in Saybrook Township.  Any possibility EALA would be interested in our joining up?  If none of us live in the area, is there a way to access EALA and stay in the loop?  Any thoughts appreciated.  Many thanks.


I did not hear or may have missed the amount of acreage that Buckeye Minerals has signed up as of Tuesday's meeting. Can you give your estimate of what this might be? Also is the one in eight fail factor included into these numbers or has it been taken out? Appreciate any input you or someone knowledgeable can provide.

It seems this clear title/no defect issue has been emphasized over and over since day one at all of the past meetings but yet it appears to still be rearing its ugly head.

Appreciate any comments you can add.


They didn't give a figure on the amount of acreage . I know a lot of people are trying to clear up defects before they sign, and that has been what Buckeye would like. It was interesting the one guy found  a old lease had been assigned over 80 times. I talked to a title guy today and he as found a few assignments like that also.

Looks like the county has a lot of work to do to get this cleared up. I got the impression we are worst off than Trumbull defect wise. I did hear that BP looked harder at defects than Chesapeake does. Don't know if that is fact or rumor.

Thanks for the update Dan. I have heard rumors in the past that Buckeye Mineral may divide Ashtabula in different groups being it's so big. Any mention of that yet? Thanks again.


That was a true statement, as I heard them mention that. To big for one bite so to say.

I believe that the idea was to break it into townships. Now if that's good or bad remains to be seen. I will assume  depending on the nature of how many good acres are good and clear per township

    i wonder if the splitting the county and marketing specific townships into groups will allow a buyer such as bp to cherry pick only strong areas and not to pay attention to weaker ones?with trumbull county ,the weak and strong acres were lumped togeather and the value on weaker acres was raised by the stronger acres.

     it is my understanding that by marketing the county into smaller groups it will expedite the drilling process due to smaller drillers being able to purchase smaller blocks of acres, in theory being able to drill sooner and start royalities flowing.


    does anyone want to weigh in on these thoughts?

I don't see it that way.

Sure there are areas / acres that may be better than others within our County but, I've seen numerous maps and reports that show practically the whole of Ashtabula County as being in the so-called Oil Window.  Personally, I see the whole of Ashtabula County as a Gas & Oil 'cherry' to be picked.

However, I do sense a lack of speed in development as weakness but attributable perhaps to political maneuvering and the actual marketing of the resources by the O & G industry's power brokers.

Then on the other hand, maybe the slow speed in the development is only slow from my perspective.  Maybe it takes more time to get it right than I think.

Lack of infrastructure - I see it as an excuse - I say fix it / provide it.

Geo-Pressure issues - I see them as an excuse - I say deal with and overcome them.

Again on the other hand, assembling drilling units and acreage blocks seems rather daunting to me (considering HBP acres and many smaller parcels to deal with); but, I think it easier to assemble 640 acre blocks as opposed to 1280 acre blocks however.

Complications do exist - and I for one am not trying to complicate things further.

Just my opinion (IMHO).

Good luck to us all.

Townships east of US-11 and south of US-6 certainly would seem to be more attractive in terms of depth and rock pressure.  I would expect a big difference between Williamsfield (SE corner) vs. Geneva (NW corner).

From what I've seen of the maps and reports floating around (myself being only a layman landowner with an opinion); Ashtabula's acreage south of 167 and east of 11 is looking pretty good.


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