Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)'s Comments

Comment Wall (343 comments)

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At 1:12pm on July 23, 2015, Nancy said…
Hello Keith,
We are landowners in West Pike Run Washington County. We are under lease to Rice Energy. The wells have been drilled and we are waiting for the gas to go into production. Our lease was for 5 years with a one year extension if any activity was started. We are in that 6th year now with the 6 year ending in March 2016. We are being told that production will start in late 2015 or early 2016 with royalties to follow within 120 days. This may push us past the 6 year mark. Any thoughts on this.

At 1:36pm on July 2, 2015, Suzy said…
Hi Keith. I do apologize from my previous post. I have been on your other sites and have learned so much from everyone!!! I just love what you have done. Yes, I have been in the Tyler County one and it is wonderful.
Thank you for the follow up. Happy 4th!
At 2:42pm on June 8, 2015, Suzy said…

Hi, Been reading the questions on Your Wall but no responses from you? It seems that you are the Big Dog on The Porch but where does one find the responses?  I did join your group.  thanks. Suzy

At 9:40am on May 4, 2015, Connie Jolly said…

Does anyone know if the McCoy well is producing?

At 12:40pm on March 28, 2015, Steve Crowe said…

Anyone one else at Hadley 8H get a tiny check from Southwestern. It is like 1/20th of the last one I got from Chesapeake?

At 8:14am on February 25, 2015, joe long said…

how does pooling work?  if the well pad  is in another  pooling unit?

say thier is a well that has 3-4 650 acre pooling units in it  and my unit only has 1 leg in it  that is producing ,do i get payment from the 1 leg or do i get payment from all legs which are  are producing from well pad ?  i am confused on how this works ?   thanks in advace .

At 1:29am on February 6, 2015, Ed Camp said…

Hey Keith; Very important work related to landowners and well decline rates we are just about to publish.  You'll see it (2014 Volume 3) available in the next few days on Jim Willis' website

Let talk about a special offer to your users.



At 11:25am on January 7, 2015, reba boso said…
Hi Keith,I need information about some land I get mineral rights I don't get much,but how do I find out if Chesapeake is planning to go deeper in the Utica? The property is located on silver hill av wetzel county.thank you
At 12:04pm on December 17, 2014, Jeff Kerr said…

Hi Keith Do you feel a 1.65 per mcf is right' that is what Rice is paying us. we went from 3.45 from Chesp on our last check from them. they sold our lease to rice in one month it dropped over 2.00 a mcf. and we were getting a little oil and LNG from Chesp. now Rice is saying its very dry now and not paying any thing on oil or NGL. Who sets the well head price any way. Rice took our unit over Aug. 1st of this yr. I wish Chesp. still had our lease  bet you don't hear that much. thank you  Jeff

At 12:06pm on November 25, 2014, Paul H. Dykes said…
Keith, in you September Weekly Shale you asked the question: Do you use an online portal to view your royalty income data?. This triggered my interest since I am in the process of adding CDEX electronic check data to my CDEX portal (
My long-term plan is to help interest owners identify Operators/Purchasers who are failing to pay the for all of the lease/well production. And I noticed that many of your posts cover this. Do you have any thoughts on what to look for when compare the electronic check data to electronic production data?

THis is a long comment I know, but I wanted to start the process basically to pick your brains on the subject.
Thank you,
Paul H. Dykes
At 3:44am on November 21, 2014, Neil Harrington said…


Do you have any recommendations for lawyers who can review a gas lease in the Potter county area.


At 12:48pm on November 7, 2014, Joseph-Ohio said…


Seems like my computer is all better now.

Either you fixed it or it recovered on it's own.

In either case thank you.


At 3:10am on November 7, 2014, Joseph-Ohio said…

Finding my reply and edit buttons not working today.

These issues occur on all of my devices - desktop, laptop and mobile / cell phone.

Anybody else having these difficulties.

Please see if you can help.

Thank you very much.

At 4:04am on September 18, 2014, Jason Ellis said…

Do you know if anyone is leasing in Bradford?  I have 133 acres I spoke to Talisman they are currently not. 

At 7:30pm on September 13, 2014, Mary Marder said…
Hi Keith,
I think my membership is pending.. Id like to be a member of your group..
At 1:54am on September 9, 2014, lester long said…

keith if you can give me a call @210-269-5381 and walk me through the website of how people setup their discussions it would be great we have had two different oil companies call to enquire about our land.


At 5:11am on August 6, 2014, James Foster said…
Keith, I live out of state but own the rights to about 100 acres in Green county near Kirby Rd and I79. Working with PA Land Resources and EDF Trading. Are they reputable?
At 4:37am on July 7, 2014, Philip Thackray said…


Can I do a blog on my home page?


At 10:11am on June 9, 2014, James Hollister said…

Are there unit maps for Susquehanna like those that exist for Bradford on Google Maps

At 5:36am on April 29, 2014, Dave McCualsky said…

Keith can you please give us a call at 740-249-5157, or let us know your phone number via email -- that would be great. We live in southeastern Ohio and have a pending offer about land in Monongalia County, WV, and need to know who to talk to about it down there. We won't take much of your time. Appreciate your help. Dave and Amy McCualsky

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