Anybody have any current idea of what Ascent is doing for new leases  in Athens Township?  And what areas or sections are involved.  Thanks!!!

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Anyone hear more about the Athens Twp drilling?  Over a month ago, I heard that drilling was happening immediately but no news since..  

Is it Ascent that bought up the leases in Athens twp, (harrison County, oh) or Encino Energy.? There was an article online on Nov. 21 2018 that said Encino Energy bought up Chesapeake. I dont know for sure either way, as we didnt get re-signed after Chesapeake chose not to renew our property.  Thanks for any imput.

Anything new in Athens Twp.  any new well permits or rumors.  Particularly interested in Section 29.  Thank you.

Any thing new in Athens Twp. particularly section 29?  Any new permits or rumors of new wells coming to Athens Twp.

Anything new or rumored to be happening in Athens Twp.  Thanks!!!

We are located near Jockey Hollow public land and Rt 519. It looks like some well activity off of Rt519 by Ascent. All of a sudden we are getting phone calls to lease and/or sell our mineral rights. A neighbor told me that a landowner located off of RT 22 going east towards Piedmont recieved $9000 an acre to lease his mineral rights. He didnt know from what company gave that offer and was vague on information. Has anyone heard of this to be true?  We are in the process of negotiating a lease . We dont want to sell ourselves short if the neighbors are getting this kind of money. Any thoughts?   Thank you

Are you near section 29?

Poison Ivy, You should get at least $6000/acre but check the contract closely to be sure you get good terms.  Having an atty look at it would be a good investment in the long run.  We're in section 10.  We hear drilling should be coming our way soon.  

We are in Section 24, Robert


What is going on in Athens Twp.?  Any new drilling, permitting, leasing, or what ever?

So what is new going on.  Have been getting mail wanting to buy mineral right is this a sign of new activity and if it is what is going on?


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