
Although it looks like a weak turnout do not despair.  Contact your neighbors, get them to sign up for a GMS account and voice their opinion.  I have begun to do this myself, but it takes time for their accounts to be activated, so I expect this turnout # to grow and will give it time.  Do a little "used car salesman" impression (no BS though).  Let them know how it would benefit them!

Remember vote on the other post, not this one.


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We are looking into a PA version which will allow us to deal with common issues and individual state issues. We just need to deal with the different laws and regs. It isn't our intention to leave anyone out.


Mark, Jim,

This is probably my fault.  I have been telling folks it is for Ohio.  I was asked my opinion so I said Ohio only.  Sorry if I have confused anyone, or stepped on your toes Mark.  

However, I still think it should be by state, and then we (states) can support each other.  My reasoning is not only are the laws different, but the level of development is much different.  PA is well on its way, OH is just getting up and running, NY is not allowed to develop at all at this stage.


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