Has anyone been paid by American Energy Partners or any of it Subsidiaries yet? (American Energy Ohio, American Energy Orange, or Great River Energy)

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They have been extremely slow. The people that signed with Poloma got paid in 60 days.
They were 25 days over the lease .. This saturday a guy showed up at the front door with a check for the lease.. He said they were so backed up at court house ???
By the way it was Great River Energy .. Guernsey County
It's great to hear people are finally getting paid, still waiting here in Jefferson Co.

Martin, Great River had a landman hand deliver my check last Saturday. It has now been deposited!

I signed with Great River Energy back in August and I have not been paid and have not been able to speak to anyone.  The lease was recored back in Decemeber at the court house.  Has anyone received their money? Not sure what to do I was told I should send a letter to terminate the lease.

Send a letter terminating the lease.  Better yet, hire an attorney, pay the $500, and have him/her send the letter.  Tell them (AEP) that you're happy to resign a new lease on new terms but their failure to pay has voided the previous lease.

do yo work for AEP marcus.. why would anyone want to be with AEP?   look at the track record of chesapeak to see what aep is going to do....  and of course.. great river was working for aep.. and now they are gone..  hmmm nice track record..

"do yo work for AEP marcus.. why would anyone want to be with AEP?   look at the track record of chesapeak to see what aep is going to do"

The track record is to drill tons of wells faster than everyone else and monetize their investments while other companies are still learning to tie their shoelaces.  I've never been a fan of the way Aubrey ran CHK.  He was too much of a cowboy with OPM, but the guy drills like nobody else and if you want to be in a unit in your area he's your best shot.  That's just the reality that everyone has to live with.  What's the alternative offer out there?  If you sign with someone else but AEP operates the contiguous acreage you'll end up in their hands anyway.  


You are correct of course.

If these people want to see their money quickly they need to formally send a notice of termination of the lease.

If the company truly wants a lease someone from the company will contact them very soon.

So you folks that have not been paid and can't get an answer start sending those letters.

Curious - was that at the Union Local meeting?   

yes, back in August I have talked to at least 6 other people who have not gotten paid and they were all from the Union Local meeting and all from Belmont Co.


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