As we have seen, the Marcellus shale drilling success has lead to an over-supply of natural gas and a depressed price.

 The driller's answer was - go to the wet gas Utica areas to capitalize on the higher value of natural gas liquids mainly ethane. Now this success has lead to an over-supply of ethane and the price of ethane is now less than the equivalent methane. The ethane cannot be left in the gas going into the pipeline because it contains more BTUs than methane (1070 vs approx 1025) and that would raise the value too close to the limit pipelines allow - 1100 BTU.

  The answer may be to shut-in some Utica wells and return to the dry gas areas, but wait there is an over-supply of gas. What's needed is more useage, but that is going to take time and even then there's such an over-supply that prices are not going to change much for a long time.

 The drillers are between a rock and a hard place.

  Here are a couple of articles from Platts.

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Vera, we are all human beings who all want no less than the ideal situation for all concerned than probably you and yours.

As the ideal is probably unattainable for the current human condition, we must make do with the best alternative we can possibly get. If you have a proposal that costs less, is less damaging environmentally, does not have to be purchased from another continent who is also damaging their environment to bring it to us, does not deplete our own resources so that we can discover the magic energy solution, please note the source of this energy so the we too may be enlightened.

Please, give us a viable example that would work better. We will always entertain reasonable possibilities that will enhance all standards of living in all respects.

That is all we are asking of you. Alternatively we will continue to explore the best avenues to use that with what we have to work. Even you.

As alway all opinions are exactly that and we value everyone's.



I would like to see alternatives that do not pollute any continent.

I believe it is possible and if we could focus on this and research this , then we could have the energy source that fits this bill.

find some neutral group to research this and we will not have to pollute or impact the health and well-being of anyone.  

We would all like to "see" that as well. Research costs money. How might we fund this research, cheaper NG mayhaps? So you are saying you see horrors but have no details as to how to overcome these evils. We all believe it will be possible and everyone loves a challenge.

We are a resourceful lot we humans. If we do not kill us all first we will eventually have the answer to which you so vaguely refer.

Until that glorious time arrives we will have to make do with the best choice we have for now.

Find us that neutral, altruistic group that will do this for us and we will be eternally in your debt.

RE: "I would like to see alternatives that do not pollute any continent."

I think that I have found that "neutral group"



Wow. The only thing missing is Al Gore....maybe he could add a kumbayah (sp?) chorus.


Blueflame - turn around...Gore's right behind you...kumbayah?...see where I learned that THIS is a bunch of 'G/O ROUGHNECKS' who 'sucker-punch anyone who doesn't play ball THEIS way?...I can't hear you...KUMBAYAH...

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. Try singing 'This little light of mine'...

Thanks Jack, I needed to lighten up. Really! LOL

HMM... I thought that it was wrong to not 'keep in underground/in shale topics'?, Jack Straw...scarecrow? We're off to see the wizard of the wonderful world of G/O Shale...

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. Thamks for 'showing the way'...


We would all like to see good alternatives that do not pollute any of the world but we must consider all the effects, impacts and fiscal burdens of every source.  It's pretty hard for all the scientists to develope fusion power when the lights go out in the lab or they can't afford the electric bill.  There are folks that live near windmill farms, coal ash dumps and ponds and solar panel factories with far more extreme impacts than O&G drilling has with an accident.  It is quite a task to add up all the impacts of any power source because every thing must be considered from extracting and transporting the raw materials not only for the end product but also the factories, transportation and transmission and transfer stations and docks etc.  The energy needed for every stage of developement to use and the lifecycle of everything involved.  Then the waste, health effects and many more things all have to be considerd.  The following link is from the world nuclear association and is titled "Energy Subsidies and External Costs."   A lenghty read but it covers all forms of energy costs down to accidental deaths per Terawatt-year.  Suprisingly Hydro appears the most deadly per watt.  I'm sure one could say this read is biased toward nuclear but it seems after reading it nuclear shines pretty brite.  This does not refer to or include the decades and billions so far spent on the dream of cold fusion.  From your "living in your brain" remark you may "think" with your feelings not your reason but that won't keep your lights on.

Vera... give me a few examples of the horrors you refer to. Also, provide several photos as well. I personally live in N.E. Ohio, in what I would consider a very nice neighborhood. Northeast Ohio has thousands of wells, including hundreds of new wells drilled to the Utica formation. All targeted payzones have been hydro- fractured.  There is a well within 200 feet of my home and two more within eyesite. I have never witnessed a dead pet or other animal, a spill on the ground, a spoiled water well, contaminated air, nor have I heard a neighbor complain any of the same. Most of us on this site are mineral owners, however, we are also landowners whom love our properties and farms. We are outdoors people who really care about the inviroment and the values of our properties. Your commentary would probably be more apprecaited on a site for which you could share with others like yourself. I visit this site for information on the lastest, positive developments in the field, not to read propaganda from people like you. My guess is you do not live near a well, nor other oil and gas operations, including a pad, a compressor, or even a pipeline. And, those that do, leased their land knowing what to expect, with hopes of collecting a royalty check. Also, you most likely do not own any mineral rights and are very envious of those who do. Further, you give your " Citizen Tours" in a vehicle which uses gasoline, you heat your home with either natural gas or electric generated by coal. Do you charge a fee for your ? And please, save the name calling for other " smart " people like yourself. Take your own advise can become connected to reality, unless it is to late.

how deep are your hydro-fracted wells and are they fracked like ours in Marcellus Shale? 

and were they done the past five years?

I see you have no problems with the thousands of wells that surround you.

What kind of gas well is within two feet of you and do you have compressor stations to deal with the gas and pipelines and how many compressor stations are in your county and township?  and how many pipelines have gone in to deal with this gas?  Besides the gas wells within 200 feet, how close is the nearest compressor stations and how compressors in each station?

we need to compare apples with apples so you can possibly understand what we are going through.

I have gas wells within 3,000 feet of me recently fracked and drilled and I know people with three , compressor stations planned within 2 sq. miles of them and one is running with 7 compressors and impacting them with constant noise and odors.  

Please don't deny our impacts and suffering because you are not suffering at all.

Most of our residents did not know what to expect when they leased; this is all new territory for most of us.  Most leased years ago and decades ago before any drilling happened. We've had no gas or drilling till about five years ago.  This is a new thing for us.

Wells are being drilled and fracked in NE Ohio on a regular basis and have been for decades. The formations range from several hundred feet to nearly 8000 feet.  I know of no wells which don't require the use of  " hydraulic fracturing ". The horizonal legs go for upto 7000 feet, or more. The same as the Marcellus. The Utica is actually below the Marcellus and is being drilled and fracked using all the same methods. Again, can you please send pictures of all the horrors, please? As for the compressors, the noise would be a bit hard to live with. You didn't mention, do you own oil and gas mineral rights; is your property currently leased? Are you now or will you soon be included in a unit? If you are within 2 feet of a well as you earlier posted, I assume that you are in a unit.


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