Antero closes deal to acquire 12,000 net acres for drilling in Ohio - Monroe Co

"Denver-based Antero Resources Corp. has added to its Utica Shale holdings, closing on an acquisition of 12,000 net acres in Ohio, primarily in Monroe County, reports the Pittsburgh Business Times. Antero said it paid $240 million for the acreage"

anyone know what acres they picked up?  XTO?  Statol?  or Hunter?

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That is merely $20,000 per acre.

For the 80% to 87.5% working interest due to the producer and most likely existing wells and infrastructure to those pads.  The valuation for the remainder 20% (assuming these leases call for the lessor to receive a royalty of 20%) would be $5000/acre.  I too am very curious as to the location of these leases and what existing wells and infrastructure were included in the sale.  

Don't you find it odd that no company wants to be identified as the seller?   Makes one think the selling company needed money to cover other obligations.   So in Monroe some of the players with acreage with existing wells/infrastructure are Magnum Hunter, Eclipse Resources, Gulfport, Hall Drilling, American Energy Utica,  and XTO which I feel sure being  Exxon that it wasn't XTO.    And if they didn't want anyone to be curious there is no law that says they have to announce the transaction.   However, if one's lease requires notification they would need to notify the landowner.

Thanks and good work ED as I think you have the answer with their prior dealings.   Do you know if Hall has/had any acreage in Noble Co. as article leads one to believe some of the acreage is in another county.   Hall's acreage would bolt right on to Antero's acreage in Noble and Monroe.

This news has been around for awhile;  strange that all of the staff writers just keep repeating the press release with no details;    details I am interested in are:  who is the seller of the acreage and where is the acreage located in Monroe County.

And yes, Antero, you could have said so up front in the press release.

Whatever happened to the days of reporters/news outlets  asking questions  or doing a little digging to find the answers  or for that matter whoever wrote the original press release actually providing the details?

I am betting my money that Antero acquired this interest via Hall Drilling, LLC.. Hall is the only operator in Monroe with 5 producing Horizontal wells (with exception to the big players, i.e. XTO, MHR, Eclipse, etc.). It appears that most of their acreage is in Bethel and Franklin Townships. 

probably right,  It's beside them already on the western side of the county.

sounds like the deal of the century based on price per acre....was it land or just rights they bought?

I am leased with Antero and are located in Bethel Twp. what do you think this means for me?


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