In 2019 we began two new 3D seismic shoots, each of approximately 10 sq.miles: the Meigs South and the Brookfield East. We plan to drill a well in each of these 3D areas to prove out our significant scientific research.

The four fundamentals to our approach are:

  • Using our unique subsurface understanding, locate wells in structurally superior positions where organic content is greatest

  • Utilize 3D seismic to drill laterals in the target zone where hydrocarbon saturation is greatest

  • Drill longer laterals with optimal completions

  • Team with a midstream partner for infrastructure buildout

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County Engineers

James, The Permits allow the Utica to be drilled with the Utica sitting in the Trenton and Point Pleasant Depth.

As of a couple weeks ago there has been no excavation at either permitted sight. Maybe 2020?

Artex has been doing well in  Fairfield and Licking counties. Elrick well in Licking has consistently produced 71bbls/day and 145mcf/day  in 2017 and 2018 and not much of a decline in 2019 from what I hear. I’m not sure why Artex would venture into shale drilling but their success can’t be denied. 

Just drove by the Brookfield sight, there is a few dozers and other equipment there. They are moving dirt.

Good. Keep us updated if you could.

Look for a 3rd well 50 miles north where others failed. 

Just a heads up, I drove by the Brookfield site and they are now finally starting to move in to drill it!
They are now drilling.


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