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Robin-- Interesting how proponents of drilling have a vision of unrestrained prosperity in a natural gas-driven economy  while opponents see nothing but potential for future environmental problems. It scarcely seems like there is any middle ground. The Province of Quebec, where very significant deposits of natural gas have been found in Utica shale, has been the latest to jump on the "ban hydraulic fracturing" bandwagon citing reports of gas and toxic fracking liquid getting into the water supply here in the States. Does this boil down to something real simple such as the optimists versus the pessimists, or is there more to it than that? Read more

Tom, you hit the nail on the head..I have concerns about the enviroment and hope that we can fix any issues in that area..But I also know and understand this is an important step, meaning getting our hands on a country.
Robin-- I ran across this perspective that is a little different. It may only illustrate that politics makes very strange bedfellows.  The author's main point seems to be that the real agenda of the anti-fracing campaign may primarily be to oppose cheap energy. Read more 

Actually Tom, this twist is the very one my father talks about..I believe it has some truths to it.


When I read about the wind energy I recalled the abundant bad attitudes about them coming into the area because they might kill birds. I actually thought now that is just silly. I'm glad they are here.


 It is a great thing for us have natural gas in N. America. What upsets me is the fact that we can't seem to get away from the politics of it all and in Tioga Co. it is hurting us in the form of  taxes, road damage, trash( beer cans and such all along RT. 15) and yes many pollutants from the fracking fluid, diesel fuels and air pollution.  I read the "accident reports" all the time. Tom Corbett has cut the school budgets in half. We are loosing schools and full day kindergarten . Tom Corbett has accepted thousands of dollars in campaign money from the NG Industry. In turn he won't tax the NG Industry as other states have. I truely think he should. The NG industry can afford it. Honestly what is happening is we are now going to PAY more taxes, for us another two hundred a year. We had a two hundred twenty increase last yr. What I am thinking is that we are have availabililty of more jobs, increase of taxes, huge rent increases, huge increase in house prices and we seem damned if we do go for it and damned if we don't..UGH  Unemployment has gone down in PA by 1 percent. Which is good but we have a long way to go. So many outsiders are here and they know the jobs that go with the NG industry many of our locals don't. Jobs for our locals will be labor jobs and a few "white collar jobs" that go along with NG industry.


I'm sure there will be good from all this and I'm sure bad will come out of it all too..It is something we need to explore, do and focus on that is for sure. We also need to protect our land , water and air. After all I can't survive on a plate of dollar bills. So their must be a happy medium don't ya think?


While I agree wholeheartedly with you there is a huge over abundance of Gas in the US. We need to get the word out that diesel engines can be converted to run LNG. Can we even fanthom what this would do if our trucks could run gas. The technology ie readily available on the conversion.


Oh yes I can agree on that. I've read about the conversion and I know people are using it now. It is available . That would be cool but honestly will I see it in my lifetime on a regular basis? Who knows..Hope this world turns into a  better place  for my children ages 9-30.

Robin-- I'd love to see something like the Alaska Permanent Fund be set up that would take at least some of the money collected and return it to the citizens to spend as they see fit. Since Pennsylvania is sitting on this huge reserve, it seems only fair that everyone, not merely landowners, enjoy a direct benefit. Here's how much the dividends in Alaska have been for the past five years:

2010     $1,281.00
2009     $1,305.00
2008     $2,069.00 + $1,200 Alaska Resource Rebate
2007     $1,654.00
2006     $1,106.96

A couple earns double this each year.

Another thing--the money is managed by five external fund managers, although spending it is still up to the Alaska Legislature. Alaskans have benefited from professional fund management which has led to higher dividends for them.  --Tom

That is awesome!

I only been living in PA eleven months and I don't ever see that happening. I just had to pay a county

resident tax and I was only here for 7 1/2 months. To say I was shocked is an understatement.

I would like to comment on unemployment in PA. On my rig there is a standing order to hire all PA boys that come and fill out an application. The few that have come over the past 11 monthd either can't pass the physical or drug screen. Yes it is hard work and yes it pays good. I see young unemployed men all over PA. Yes it takes time to move up in any job. Yes we have alot of Southern People up here. If the oilfield relied on PA workforce we wouldn't be able to operate. These are the facts and now I live in PA and see the politics.



Are you on the H&P rig in Derry Township?


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