I am located near Trumbull County  but in  the Southern end of Ashtabula county. 

I am looking for a contact to lease my property. I do have a oil/gas lawyer. I understand if you work directly with the Gas/Oil company instead of a broker, your lease can almost double and your royalties can be higher. That is what my friends did in Southern Ohio. How do I find a contact I can work with on an Oil Gas  lease? I have not been contacted by any group yet and I am not even sure there is one in my area.

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Include details on acreage and where at in Ashtabua

Thank You

I will when its appropriate. Do you have a website I can review your company? Note, I do have a friend 15 miles from my property, that is part of the Trumbull County group and is getting ready to sign there. I know what he is offered but its actually listed on the internet what the offer is to the members of that group. Thanks for your reply, I will hang onto it and contact you when my lawyer gives me the OK.


My name is Aaron Rohlfing, I am the District Landman for RKR Resources. I will be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions regarding our company, as well as specifics pertaining to your property. I can be reached by email at arohlfing@rkrresources.com or by phone at (443) 939- 2494. Feel free to view our website at www.rkrresources.com.


The statement that dealing direct with a company instead of a broker will "almost double" the bonus and get you a higher royalty makes no sense at all. If the standard offer on the street is X why would a broker settle for X/2?  Or for a lower royalty than what is the street offer by a landman?

Well...I think the point is that the brokers, groups, consultants, flippers, etc., all make money by skimming off a percentage of the landowners bonus, royalty, or both.  The gas companies are going to pay what they're going to pay.  So giving a percentage to a middleman leaves less for yourself.  Due to owning property in Pa., I've been down this road.  I believe that dealing with a landman that DIRECTLY represents the drilling company is the way to go - especially when a landowner does their homework and has their own attorney.  There is a tremendous amount of design and research that the gas companies have to do before they decide to move into an area and sign leases for drilling.  It's not just logistics and geological engineering, but deed and title research as well.  They've been drilling like crazy in Pa. for over 5 years and there are still wells that aren't connected to pipelines and parcels of land that aren't leased.  The point is, David, that when they are ready to lease your land, you won't need to go to them; they will come and find you.  And it won't be on the internet - they will knock on your door.

Doug; Why do auto workers and steel workers use unions? Why do local governments use co-ops to buy road salt?  Why do large companies get better deals on health insurance than individuals can?

A landman is a middleman.  He reports to his manager, who reports to the land development department, who reports to the legal department, who reports to the upper management.

There always has and always will be strength in numbers. Working together has always gotten better leases.  A quick online search will find many groups that got the best deals for their area and at that particular time.

David, you are welcome to attend the EALA landowners meeting at 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 26 at Pymatuning Valley High School (in the Veterans Memorial Performing Arts Center Auditorium).  Bob Rea will be speaking to us again.  He is the same gentleman behind ALOV who just landed the big deal with BP in Trumbull.  Bob's new company called Buckeye Mineral Development will be representing the Ashtabula acreage accumulated by EALA.

There is definitely safety in numbers.  Drillers are seeking Bob out asking where he has acreage they can lease.  I think this is definitely your best move...  but you need to come hear the presentation and make your own judgment.


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