Without calculations, on the average what is the average per acre royalty, should I average out to get at 12 1/2 percent? Monroe county, ohio 1 well. 640 acres unit. Just wondering. Also who do most people use for royalty statement verification, do i go to lawyer or a tax accountant.

thanks again.

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It varies a lot..., price of gas and how much gas is producing... It's really hard to say. One well can make 2000 a day and the one next to it can make 200 a day...


I have someone at Rea and Associates audit my royalty statements. Send me a message and I can send you his info. 

As far as per acre there are many different scenarios with each lease. Without knowing the production (wet gas/dry gas/oil) cuts, deductions, wellhead pricing it is hard to determine and average or normal rate. 



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