Some time ago, I read where people wanted to know if leases were being renewed in northern Beaver County. Our original lease was to run out 6/15/15. As of 5/7/15 it has been renewed for 5 more years @ original terms.

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I have no fault at all to find with CHK.The lease is for 5 years, and everything else is as the original lease stated,

Hi Marilyn,
My name is Rich and I live by little beaver twp. Building and was curious if you give a rough idea of what you got for lease.

Rich, we were ones that signed the lease the original time back 2010 so it wasn't as great as some people wanted or said. We got $1500. @ acre and got it in a lump sum. No rental delay business.

That's what my lease was also w/15% royality. How many acres do you have? My neighbors and I have about 52 acres that is not leased and we have talked it over and are going to hold out for
Sorry. 3250 an acre and 20% gross no deduction Roy. Along with a couple other things.

Thank you for sharing

We are in our 70's so we don't have too long to fool around.If this would have just happened maybe 20 years ago things could have been different..

Hope you get what you are hoping for....We have 38 acres BTW. GOOD LUCK!


mornin joe and jonathan h
 range is also imploring this tactic in northern washington county also at 500 an acre with multiple pay plans stretched out over 3-4-5- year delay rental type payments these folks also learn from each other but I must admit that I was suprised that range would use these tactics have had nothing bad to say about  them ..... YET !

Interesting info Marilyn, ours is also with CHK  and due to expire in Sept. Hope the renewal will hold true for us too. We also were given 1,500/acre and a lump sum. We'll be happy if it's the same deal. We only have 8 acres off of Friendship Rd. on Rockland Dr. bordering Bruce Reed's farm land.

I hope you get your renewal. I have heard that they aren't very public with their plans.GOOD LUCK!


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