I talked to the Monroe County Court today and found out by pure accident that Beck Energy appealed their case just today.  For those that don't know, the case was moved to Washington County Court by the Ohio Supreme Court.  The decision came down that Beck Energy leases were "not in the Public Interest" in the state of Ohio.  In other words Beck lost and the landowners won.  Now the appeal process has begun.  My lease with Beck hangs in the balance as do 270+ Monroe County landowners just like me!

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Beck kept the mineral rights on the shallow oil and gas and assigned the marcellus and utica to XTO.  alias for Exxon Mobil.

What was the legal decision based on? "not in the public interest" is very vague and would any judge allowance to rule anyway she/he pleases on any issue. Was there a particular clause or issue that was the basis for the lawsuit?

See the link to get a copy of the court decision where you will find the precedence used etc.

Because his leases were written with so much bias that he was basically stealing from uninformed landowners.

I believe this might pertain to new leases where payment was not made and deep rights sold. Hopefully, John will enlighten us.

Usually when payment is not made you must notify the company of the failure to pay and if thereafter payment is not made then the lease is null and void.

Alan, you are correct. I oversimplified my statement hoping John is able to give us further information. What I meant was, there were no previous leases and because of nonpayment it came to light about the deep rights being sold. At least I believe this could be the case. I am very interested in learning more about this if anyone has further information.

Judy, I don't see your comment or the reply by Alan.  Who is Alan?

John, I apologize. I am using an Android phone (don't have a computer) and I miss some of the conversations. I was referring to Alan Pavlik. I had assumed these were the first leases on these properties and that it involved the sale to XTO. I have a vested interest in learning what happens with Beck Energy. I do not wish to elaborate at this time. Again, I hope this all works out for the landowners and maybe will set a precedent in the future for others.
Thank you, Joe. I appreciate your sharing this information.

 WOW now that was some very interesting reading!!!!

This lease is unbelievable. It shows how very important it is to know what you are signing and to have someone with experience in this field helping you. Would have been cheaper to pay an attorney to review. I hope this decision stands.


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