The following link is to a website from our local paper.

The article is not as bad as the following comments however.  Most comments are against drilling.  I posted a comment to defend the process.  I am not a gas person or anything.  I am a school teacher who lives in Bucks County and has 25 acres in Bradford. I have done a ton of research on the process but am by no means an expert.  As someone who has been through the leasing process and all that it entails, I felt I had a pretty good understanding of what is happening so I felt that I could make a rational, sound comment in favor of drilling.  Well, they deleted my comment and the account associated with my comment was deleted as well so that I cannot post anymore to it. This is an absolute disgrace!! First there was the one-sided "Gasland" and now the press is surpressing comments from people who agree with the drilling and only keeping the comments that disagree. So much for rational discourse amoung citizens and the right to free and protected speech! It could be just a coincidence that my post was deleted but my entire account??  I think not.


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The members of this website need to form a group, beyond this site, to support drilling. The only groups getting attention are those against it. The negative publicity has increased so drastically in even the last few weeks that it is becoming alarming. No one is hearing the positive side of the story. I've even been searching for t-shirts, bumper stickers, anything to show support for Marcellus drilling and can't find anything. Maybe I should create some promotional items and start a group for royalty owners, landowners, and other in favor of drilling.
I have a friend who owns a t-shirt printing company - I think your fracking design would sell. Now to find someone who can draw your idea on paper.
If you're serious, I am definitely interested. I hear and see ads from PIOGA, The Marcellus Shale Coalition and ANGA but their are no groups that the "average" citizen can join to support the industry. My background is in Human Resources, Recruiting, and I was a small business owner, so I'm sure I can contribute to such an organization.
Great ideas !!! We had people try to protest it in a bar just the other day. They had no idea how many successful wells have been drilled in PA or what it has done for oue economy. The bottom line for me is the fact that we will not have to deal with foreign products. I can't help but remember all the e- mails with foreigners burning "The American Flag" Maybe when we produce our own NG and eventually more oil and the dependency goes down the "protesters" will also disappear. Maybe when they see how it will benifit the whole country --- the sour grapes of those out of the area, non - land owners, and those who no longer have their rights will wake up -- well it is hard to make some people happy no matter what.
I had G&O people say that people -mostly in towns - at traffic lights and such yell and curse at them. Either no land or no rights to lease but always bitter to the workers. I think it is time to show our support too. They are here to do a job and really do not need to have the public mistreat them. Write to the Gas Companies as I have when you agree with what they are doing --- I got a very nice letter back from Chesepeake when I wrote to them and let them know that they have support and will continue to have it in our area until they would cause waves by not following through or having major concerns about the drilling. I once visited my one MD and on the wall was a sign that read : If we are doing something wrong tell us : If we are doing something right tell your friends. This has stuck with me all my days since reading it and I frequently write, phone, or email companies (of kinds) with my concerns but also many times to praise because we all could use some encouraging words and it always goes a long way. As a teacher of high school students I also called all the student's parents in the first weeks of school to discuss something positive about their child - funny how I always had their support when I had to call them later with concerns or problems. (I taught Behavior Challenged students in Special Needs classes)
There are already multiple organizations in NY State working on pro-drilling radio ads, billboards, rallies, etc. and that is because NY has been harmed so much by the 2+ year moratorium already in effect.

Certainly we can all get together to make a bigger group and really show them how many people believe in natural gas.

Check out (Joint landowners coalition NY) for information on what they have been doing, also the NWPOA (Northern Wayne Property Owners Assoc) is fighting the DRBC (Delaware River Basin Commission) because they have just imposed a moratorium on PA lands in the basin.

We are out there working on this and have been for some time. Believe me, we need more people to step up and join in!
James and RFS and anyone else interested,
We do need to take action. James, I will be in contact with you sometime soon. I need to get some of my ideas in order first. We need to formalize a group and get the truth out there to the public. So many people in my area are being convinced that the gas companies are destroying everything - they only hear the stories on the news and see what is in the newspaper. These are the same people who were neutral not so long ago. We need to promote the positive side anywhere we can. Right now, the only positive information is coming from the gas companies and their associations. If we form a group organized by "ordinary" citizens, maybe more people will pay attention.
Im willing to help get the word me if need be.

A few of us from this website are thinking about formalizing a group to inform the public about the benefits of drilling. Are you interested in being involved?
yes, absolutely
I am a land owner in tioga county Pennsylvania. The comment about hunting being harmed is untrue I think. Each fall deer season the area here is innundated with so called hunters from the bigger cities downstate and other states as well. Many of these downstate hunters seem to think that they can do as they please. Yes they bring money into the area but many of them also bring "attitude!" They shoot everything that moves, caring little if it is legal or not. Few of them ever ask if they can hunt on private property. Many others just drive around the back roads hoping that someone else will chase a deer into view. If they shoot a deer from any distance and that deer does not drop in its tracks, the shooter just drives away instead of looking to see if his victim was hit and jumped out of sight only to lay down and bleed to death.

On the other hand the area around these wells are seeded afterward. The tender grass grows up and deer, rabbits and other critters come to feed from these areas. All gas pipe lines and well sites that I have seen are well cared for. Yes once in awhile there is an accident. And yes, for the time period that is required for preparing and drilling there are many inconviences. But these are not a permanent thing. When the work is done the drillers move out. No more trucks, no more noise, no more dust or muddy roads. What the landowner has left is an income that helps him and his family very often for many years to come. Access roads to wells are graveled and can be used. Many public roads are in much better shape afterward because the truck traffic of drilling companies dont need the problems of getting bogged down on their way drill sites.

Bill L.
aka Bummy
Hi Pam,
I also have land in Bradford county, and although I have joined this forum which is very good, I would be grateful to hear your experience with leasing your land. I have tried to contact chesapeak but have not heard back from them after several attempts. Anything you can tell me about your experience would be great!
Sally C.


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