Good place to pass info regarding bonus payments.

Company: Shell

No of days in lease for payment of bonus: 90 banking days

Actual days: 86

Phone call from bank that money was deposited, but with a 3 day hold


My son and daughter got their notice from the bank also,

Lease was 90 banking days....

Actual days: 96

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so, you are saying they get overpaid because the job is 'boring' or because they actually must work?   People scramble to get in there to work all the time.

If you want to know about REAL work, try farming!  GM workers would run from that task and cry all the way down the road.  Yet, the REAL overworked (and underpaid) farmers provide the food/milk for your table.  However, it only gets there after brokers get their share, and unions set the base prices for the products, just like everywhere else.

Those non-existent profits are shutting down small farms and driving everything to larger corporatists who will eventually control all our food products and then GM employees will even have a hard time paying for their food.

BTW, dairy farmers only get ten cents (10 cents) from every gallon milk sold - so who is making the money?  Yea, right!  Go unions!!!

You can't see the big picture,none of what you are talking about has nothing to do with unions,its all about the non-producers who extract money from our economy and not creating anything,which by the way,they are usually the rich and powerfull.You are the U in union,and they are fighting for a decent standard of living just as farmers are.I don't agree 100% of what unions have become,but when you dealing with huge corporations,that are just money machine you need a united voice to deal with that entity. Dealing with the corpratist is nothing like dealing with a rational person. Within a company such as gm, you have mgmt the union stock holders and bond holders with a pile of money in the middle just waiting to see who deserves the biggest piece!

Great comments and replies Linda. 

@john p halloran - Just for you, more info about the union-govt. owned Government Motors... or aka 'those too dumb to be in management'...

Government Motors Union Ownership Exacts Revenge on White-Collar Workers


You most likely do not own any property anyways!  Your mad!  Your upset!

Just to see all the 'good' people who worked hard all their lifes get something

that they worked for!!

By the way, how much bonus money did you get?

I have acreage just waiting for them to get here and extract all the oil they car to take,by the way that's my favorite thing to do,WORK!!Nobody gave me anything YET!

Geeeez guys...relax!!

...this started out as a posting about who got what bonus money and where...

Be glad for the folks, will ya'! 

It's their money...let 'em spend it the way they want to and where they want to without a big ole political lecture.  Think you are going to stop the world from changing?  May as well enjoy the ride... 

Typical,take the easy way out,just sit back and let them take your life and control your every movement ,nobody has any fight left in them,what's wrong with supporting america and americans!!! Reinvest in america not korea.


I think your underwear is just a little to tight

lighten up or go to the angry guy website this is for oil and gas

Tighty whities !!!
Just got done splitting a cord of wood and stacked it.A bit chilly out there o.k. now I'm done!

John,  Here is the UAW website listing union made cars and trucks  It is a bit confusing if the vehicle is made in USA or Canada (foriegn country!) but the only full size light duty US of A is a FORD.  So if you happen to drive a full size light duty truck called a Chevy, GMC or Dodge, they are your foriegn crap you speak of.  By the way the Mazda6 and some Mitsubishi's are UAW made vehicles.  So it looks like we bailed out foriegn countries with GM and Dodge once again.  What word did you use.................fool...........that was it.


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