Good place to pass info regarding bonus payments.

Company: Shell

No of days in lease for payment of bonus: 90 banking days

Actual days: 86

Phone call from bank that money was deposited, but with a 3 day hold


My son and daughter got their notice from the bank also,

Lease was 90 banking days....

Actual days: 96

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I prefer american based companies,I realize there are hundreds of arguments to be made pro and con,but I'm trying to keep as much money in this country as I can,I think I'm the only that's thinking this way.I don't consider canada foreign we support each other those other countries don't buy much of anything from us.Chinese are forming unions,there standard of living is going up while ours is in decline.Ill say no more about it.I can't change anybodies mind .Hopefully we can sell them lng to help the trade imbalance and get some of our bucks back!!!

John,  I agree with you that we need as much made in America as possible.  It is very confusing when a Chevy Avio is made in China and a Toyota is made here.  There has been several efforts by small companies to break into the car manufacturing business only to get stonewalled.  Look at what happened to Delorean.  Does anyone remember the airplane company that wanted to start making high end cars in Martinsferry, OH using turbine engines?  I think they were going to call them Fire Star 500, 500 refering to the horsepower.  We have a good track record of artificialy building up the big three and stamping out new start ups which only stifels research and devolopment and free market capitalism within our own borders.  How would you like to be the CEO of Ford knowing that our govt. subsidizes their competiton the same as China does.  I could never buy a new GM car or truck and sleep well again.  Spending our money wisley is as important as voting in a multitude of ways but the market is very muddied and becoming harder to follow the money.  Everyone today is screaming about tax rates.  They have been going lower for the very wealthy for decades while during that same time jobs and R&D have gone south.  If one looks at the relationship between the two over time the exact opposite has happened.  This is a forty year old problem coming to a head today.  The only reason anyone cares now is it is finally starting to hurt.  The Census Bureau has been begging us since the 60's to wake up and take note of what has been happening and warning that if we don't the econemy will crash and the middle class will all but disaper.  They were called alarmist bureaucrats far removed from the real world.  If lower tax rates for the rich was working to create jobs, we should have 0% unemployment and be importing millions of workers by now.  Depending which team we back we like to blame Bush or Obama as if all our problems just happened and expect them fixed by morning.  In general,  as long as the average American can order a pizza and get their daily 6 or 12 pack or drug of choice and the TV is still on the money grab marches on.

The chevy aveo is gone,and was made in korea. Its being replaced by a small car made in orion mich,but workers had to take a 50% wage decrease to win the work,not a great thing. The only reason ford did not need a LOAN from us is because they mortgaged every asset that they have to the hilt,before this credit crises hit.The auto manufacturers did not create the credit crises,at that point god could not get a loan.The rich are the ones looking for slave labor, africa is there next target. Also,I agree with your comments.

Its a good thing that the Chinese are starting to form unions..... they'll see what its like to price themselves right out of the global economy and start to be on a level playing field with the US. Then they'll be buying here because we tend to make higher quality items.

I work for a union contractor, although I'm personally not a union member. I see our non-union competitors very often doing high quality work and I'm often embarrassed about the work ethic of our union members that feel they are "entitled" because they are union- they very often are the last ones to start work, the first on their breaks, and the first ones to leave the job. The worst ones are the ones with the highest seniority- they know that they are the last ones to get laid off. They look down upon non-unions although the non-unions often work circles around them and are far more productive


Unions were good in the day of sweat shops but are way outdated now

It's pretty pathetic if there would need to be unions for there to be a middle class.  Unions need to go away.  There is no use for them in today's workforce.    I consider myself middle class and would NEVER join a union.  I'd rather deal directly with management.  A lot more work gets done without unions. 

Linda is right - unions are the reason everything is made overseas.  Companies can't afford to pay union wages - union members want too much for the jobs they do. 

The reason people died fighting managment is to have a decent standard of living,there would not be a middle class if not for organized labor,the chinese are now forming unions,maybe they are tired of being our slaves.

that most certainly has been a two-edged sword - higher wages and you say 'yea'!  Then what automatically follows is higher prices.  Unions and workers don't understand this.  Steel industry self destructed and the auto industry followed, and it's not over yet.

Not organized labors fault,the rich found out they could get chinese slaves to do their work and put more money in their yachts,

sorry, john, it's that type of thinking which is causing the problems of today.  NAFTA free trade agreement was the beginning of the huge suction of jobs noise we heard... Clinton signed it and Obama lied when he said he would get rid of it.  Liberal Progressives - both.  Big labor politicians - both.

Unions have selfishly priced themselves out of the market, and it is obvious I am talking to myself here...

Don't envy or be jealous of someone who owns a yacht, get to work yourself and earn your own.  I know you will pay yourself a decent wage for the 80+ hrs you will work as a business owner...

Been doing that for 20 years,It'll be great when organized labor goes away and everybody is making slave wages,then they won't be able to afford my services.Only the rich,people barely have enough to pay me the rent and both are working.

You say slave wages and I say they are a direct cause and effect to ALL prices of goods and services. Surely you are old enough to have noticed!

They are rich because they know the value of money and how to use it AND create value FOR you by paying for your services.  Raise the rent, same way unions demand pay raises, and see how long they will stay -competition drives the market.

Linda,  I have always been self employed but for a few years.  Never been in a union.  Free markets, open trade, right to work and unions all have the right to exist.  You are right that if a product is over priced the market will tend to weed it out.  If a employer isn't fair a union can rise to the situation.  There are good and bad employers and unions just as there are good and bad apples in any area.  Just walked around Crown Bay yesterday looking at some corporate yachts.  I think if the stock holders saw them, new what they and the staff cost they would flip.  If there is a extra tax deduction just for operating the yachts on top of the cost of doing business I will flip.


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