If you live in Trumbull County, Ohio you may have received offers to buy your mineral rights. Those offers have probably been quite low.

Buy low, sell high; Strike while the iron is hot etc. The folks behind these offers are attempting to take advantage of the disappointment of land owners in Trumbull County. Disappointment by the recent actions of BP and Halcon. They see an opportunity to buy mineral rights on the cheap and sell them later for extreme profits when the value of those mineral rights rise.

If someone is willing to buy your mineral rights then it must mean that they see future development coming. My suggestion is that landowners remain calm and exercise a little patience. Development will come.

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Let's be real about this, I've looked at shale plays from 2008. Wyoming CO. PA. within a couple miles was a ( drop dead zone ) north is good south is nothing and it will be the same in western pa and eastern Ohio. This was Marcellus dry gas, Some well pads are producing 50 -60 MCF per day huge numbers for pipeline quality gas. I understand it is not wet gas but look at the number of permits in PA. dry gas east and wet gas in western PA. and eastern Ohio. Please believe me I'm not trying to compere one area against the other and not trying down grade any area. We need more end useage, and and  things will pick up in non- core acreage. Hope the best for everyone!!!

Thanks for the input deer spotter.

Was wondering if the wells that pat n was referring to might be into the Marcellus (not Utica) ?

Also due to the more mountainous terrain east of New Castle can see how the wells would be deeper with the overburden generating more pressure than northeast Ohio (somewhat shallower) Utica wells would (top of Point Pleasant reported to be about 5500' deep in southeast Ashtabula Co.).

Still New Castle, PA is not that far away from southeast Ashtabula County, OH.

And still good news.

BTW northeast Ohio (including all of Trumbull and Ashtabula County, OH) is reported to be in the Rich Condensate (same as Wet Gas ?) and Oil Window as I understand.

They need to go get it I think !

Joe, As stated before the well I will be watching is the Mast well in Parkman !

I still have to look up that Parkman well.

I regularly see a well in a field on the west side of Parkman on the north side of 422.

Saw a large tank near that well last Saturday.

Is that the Mast well ?

Not the same well I guess.

Found a Mast well at ODNR using their on line well locator.

It's north of 422 but pretty far further north than the well I see.

ODNR spots the Mast on the west side of 528 and I don't think it would be visible from 422 or 528 as it appears on the ODNR map as setback too great a distance from either road.

According to the ODNR, the Mast is a Chesapeake well into the Utica-Trenton and 5900 feet deep in Geauga County (pretty far west of PA).

The last permit issued June 2014 found at the ODNR for the Chesapeake MAST GEA 6H is tagged Temporary Inactive.


The mast well is in a fairly obscure place - right in the middle of Amish country.  A side dirt road off of Nash - north a mile or two.  Not visible from any main road and not much visible at the site itself.  Nothing going on there as of yet.


Thanks for the info. on the Mast well.


yes i would say the south east corner of trumbull county will be good. and eastern mahoning will be good .any thing else is shallow.

In southeast Ashtabula County it's reported that down 5500' is the top of the Point Pleasant (which is at the bottom of the Utica and supposedly the 'source rock' and is supposed to be 350' thick). I've also read that that's pretty darn deep and deep enough to provide ample pressure to lift the production to the surface (that is if they keep the fractures open and the pipe clear of parafin).
From what I'm reading pressure appears to be the biggest issue. I suspect they are getting better at creating there own pressure. With the ever increasing price of oil they will be more inclined to push the envelope to get it out. They all now that whoever develops the technology will reap the rewards. Its a race and the winner gets the pot of gold. 2nd place will just be the first losser.


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