check out some of these drilling units - lateral spacing is shrinking - new techniques a "game changer"

i'm not sure if there is a connection.......but it seems the lateral spacing is basically being cut in half in some of these recent utica units.

and there is an operator in other shale formations that has been out performing competitors with a new technique that uses a bunch more sand and water but focuses close to the bore (vs longer fractures).

there was a thread a few weeks ago about EOG and their new technique;

“….using this technique, it has outperformed its competition. In some cases, these results are 200% to 300% better. This completion design focuses around the well bore as opposed to creating long fractures, which has been the industry standard. By focusing around the well bore, more surface area can be stimulated, increasing the total area fractured. This frees up more resource, and in turn is the reason for EOG's excellent results….”

“….EOG is using between 1,500 and 2,400 pounds of sand per foot. This compares to just 300 pounds by current Bakken operators. It is important to note that it isn't just the initial production that is affected, but we are seeing the depletion curve flatten…”

maybe some of this is being tried and tested by the utica operators......check out some of these DU's.

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Interesting plat with the semicircular ends.  Yes, I think RE/REX are the same company.

A couple of questions...maybe you guys know the answers. These companies all subcontract almost all work.  Do they sub out the well design or do they do it in house? Are there companies that specialize is well designing? Say a company like Halliburton does a well design for EOG and it produces exceptional results. Can Halliburton share that expertize with other E & Ps? Does EOG and Gulfport share data and/or use the same design team?  And is that why they both are doing so much better?

EOG seems to do so much better that they could have a huge profit center just by selling their expertize to other E and Ps. And the country would be better off getting so much more product out of the ground.

Again, thanks for all you are doing.

Jim - those are good question.....i don't know the answers but i would assume that these gasco's would want to keep their secrets for a competitive advatage.......i agree the country would be better off if they all shared their technology, but i don't think they are worried about the good of the country.......also, i think they will all be on the same page sooner or later with the tech....i'm just glad that i am not drilled yet.

on another note - i wonder if the state will adjust the 500' setback rules.....if these gasco's can prove how far thier fractures are going from the bore, you would think the state would be open to changes.......seems like the new techniques, coupled with the current setback rules would leave alot of land untapped.

XTO - the bedway in belmont says point pleasant, union twp shows over 1,000' spacing but is from last summer........the cook is a recent belmont richland twp in marcellus (last month).


another XTO... Kalder well in belmont mead twp......wells-1H and 2H showed utica in dec 2011, both have been revised a couple months the 1H shows point pleasant and the 2H shows marcellus.



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