Chesapeake Energy Terminates Common Share Dividend, Stock Prices Drops

Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK) closed today at US$9.29 per share which is just $0.05 above it's 52-week low of US$9.24 after announcing that they will be ending the annual dividend for common share stocks.  This is being reported by several sources including the Huffington Post, Reuters, and Bloomberg News.

The action was taken by CHK's CEO, Doug Lawler (full name Robert Douglas Lawler).

Lawler is quoted as claiming they still have $2 Billion in unrestricted cash and $4 Billion line of credit.

Earlier this year they claimed they had $9 Billion to play with.  That's $3 Billion gone in half a year.

They still have leases that have to be renewed over the next 8-12 months that will cost them approximately $700 Million based on the signing bonus payouts from 2011.  They used those leases as collateral for $500 million mortgage and as an incentive to get Total SA to buy in for $1.25 Billion into CHK Utica LLC.

There will be at least 2 companies that will be really upset if CHK doesn't renew.

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I thought all the royalty theft from landowners was being done for the stock holders.

Now Chesapeake is short changing the Common Stock Holders. Must be trying to save their Executive Teams Preferred Stock fortunes to avoid working in the service industry with the rest of Americans, when the domestic Oil & Gas fails.

With Irans new supply of a Million barrels of oil a day on the market, and loss of the Utica's free NGLs, that should just about do it for the boys with the good business practice: "It's a Good Business Practice to not pay landowner royalties, then go to court and only pay what the judge orders".

Yeehhha! Don't take any prisoners Bobby Dougy!

Don't forget to let the Civil suits begin, for all US landowners who have been injured by Chesapeake's Unethical behavior. It worked with OJ Simpson after he injured a few familys, why not give it a try on BD? Sort of hit him where it hurts when he's most vulnerable.

You know he was planning on crushing the US Landowners dreams, and had plenty of purchased help, so lets crush some, or all of his dreams. Legally of course, we will only take what the judge orders.


    If you take a look at some of the new Units Chesapeake is getting approved by the ODNR to change the traditional 900 feet on either side of the lateral, to 1250/550 you'll begin to see how the units will be putting landowners under production at 1250 feet out, just touching their property in order to claim production. That should save a few million if Bobby Dougy can keep his boat afloat.

Hey, who's protecting Ohioans from dirty tactics? Apparently no one.

It will be several more years before the landowners & thus the State tax revenue being lost is addressed. 

It took PA years to get into gear. Ohio has no excuse for letting this problem (landowner Royalty Theft)  happen after watching our neighbors being cheated.

We should have been ready for Chesapeake's tactics.

Johnny! How are you going to run a country when you can't run a state? Just constructive criticism you can use in retirement. Did you think Ohioans wouldn't notice a huge loss of royalties then not blame the person at the State's helm?  You know they will. 


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