Has anybody in Ohio, especially Carroll County, had their lease with Chesapeake renewed?  Ours is up in November, and still no word.

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Mary Ellen,

     It might be smarter to begin talks with a lawyer on how & when you can remove your land from Chesapeake's control/lease if they don't pay you for the Secondary Term of the lease.

Read the below interview with Abrahm Lustgarten of Propublica. He has been following Chesapeake from Texas to PA and knows your future, if you listen to him. He said 70% of the US landowners are receiving 10% of the royalties that are in their lease from CHK.

Shrinking Natural Gas Royalties    September 13, 2013


An interview of Propublica’s Abrahm Lustgarten on PA Dairy Farmer Don Feusner’s underpayment of royalties.


Ron. my elderly neighbors signed for  $100.00 an acre. Their attorney mailed the renewal check back to Chesapeake and Chesapeake sent them the check back. People still think they can get out of their leases. A lot of Ohio Valley people were really taken  advantage of.


      I know how the landowners have been treated by every wave of the O&G industry folks:

Leasing, Seismic Testing, Water Testing, Pipeline ROW.

The industry has had Ethics Issues for 100 plus years. Since only the landowners have been INJURED, the authorities have always stood by and watched.

Now the Bankers can see that royalties aren't being paid and the Lawyers, Politicians and the State Of Ohio know what is in progress and have no excuse for keeping this dirty secret any longer. We need to vote everyone out, since they will wait until they sense the people know what is happening before they express their phony outrage while taking CHK PAC Fund money. 

   As far as Chesapeake and Mary Ellen's lease go, she needs to read the lease and find out what notifications and time periods are in her lease. If it looks favorable for her to break the lease, she needs to call in the lawyers. CHK didn't buy the minerals, they leased them and have to pay a bonus or produce in order to hold land in a lease.

The $15 to $150 per month per acre we are getting in Ohio is a joke. I would rather not be leased and be force pooled, since the ODNR then has a law that CHK must follow for payment. If they don't pay as specified by the law, the ODNR is responsible for allowing forced pooling with no payment. The Ohio Revised Code will have to be enforced by the state, unlike the Theft By Deception and Pattern of Corruption laws that are now being ignored.

Ron H.,

You've written that you '....would rather not be leased and be force pooled, since the ODNR then has a law that CHK must follow for payment. If they don't pay as specified by the law, the ODNR is responsible for allowing forced pooling with no payment. The Ohio Revised Code will have to be enforced by the state, unlike the Theft By Deception and Pattern of Corruption laws that are now being ignored.'

How do you know that 'the state' wouldn't seek (or legislate) loopholes to avoid having to rule against their own (albeit also the state's citizen's own) ODNR ? ? Basically taking the same paths to nowhere that the O&G Industry has allegedly taken. That would stink wouldn't it ? ?

Concerning, wouldn't you agree ? ?

I'm leased with CHK, lease not up for over a year, I hope they don't renew. I am leased for $5950 an acr. 20%. hopeing they don't renew.

We are working through our final extension; first lease with CHK auto renewed for 3 years after a five year run.  When done in 2008 we had NO sign on bonus.  No word on any renewal.  We are at the southern tip of MAH CO in Springfield township.  I need to read the lease and be sure there is NOT a way for them to renew without my permission.  I have been told to make sure I let the courthouse know it is null and void at midnight of the final day (March 2015)

Why? Those are good numbers. Is your lease that bad or because of chk?

My lease is as good or better than most. after sighing my lease I found out ,as did most that CHK are criminals and the land owners are getting no help from the Fed. or St. governments. I do have a 20% royalty but probably would not end up with 10%.mine is small acreage. I fell I would be better off without them.

Wondering how the politicians feel about them ?

Thinking they are probably in love with each other - they each probably think the other is just what the doctor ordered !

I don't buy into the portrayed 'animosity' myself.

Neither do I buy into any difference between a Rep or a Dem politician.

I think they all scratch each other's backs and wash each other's hands.

More theater - a long playing act - as they both move toward stripping rights of ownership away from private citizenry.

What do the rest of you think I wonder ?

Do you all smell the same coffee pot brewing ?

Joe, I tried to get help on a ROW for 9 months from our state  Senator, all I got was lip service. On the federal level same thing. They are in bed together. It would be a different story if a pipeline was going in 75 feet from  their home. You would see instant legislation introduced  to protect land owners. We have to get this State Senator out of office and get a real job.

This is old news, but if you check the Chesapeake Political Action Fund (PAC) records, all of the politicians that have taken PAC Fund money are listed for each state.

In 1987 companies started telling me I needed to contribute to their PAC Fund. When I asked why, they said so the politicians will see our corporation more favorably. I thought "That violates the principles of a government by and for the people since the corporations will have paid for favoritism from the politicians" Isn't that the same as a bribe?

I have never contributed to a PAC Fund due to the potential interference with the Peoples Will. Now it's 2015 we all know what is going on for now. Time for "Separation of Corporation and State", I believe it might be interfering with the Peoples Will..

Mary Ellen,

I have a first term lease with Chesapeake that expires in April 2016. I signed for $2,000/acre with 12% royalties. My land was identified to be in a unit last year, but there has been no activity. I haven't heard anything about renewing the lease either.

I, like most people, hope the lease expires without a renewal with these crooks.

Good luck to you!


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