Lease is up this fall. 5 k/acre. Just curious, I know things are bleak for Chesapeake, but just wondering if anyone has any recent experience with lease getting renewed or not getting renewed?

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Our 3-year Chesapeake Lease expired in Summer 2015.  We were not renewed.  We contacted our attorney and had a Release of Lease filed and recorded at the courthouse.  This process took about 2 months--officials at Chesapeake and Total (who had purchased 25% of our original lease) had to sign.  I highly recommend requesting and recording this release document for peace of mind, if nothing else.  (294 acres, Columbiana County, OH., Center Twp., Unity Twp., Washington Twp.)  We are so happy to escape Chesapeake without being drilled!


are you currently leased?  have you had any offers?

For Dee in Jefferson County Ohio, a copy of the Chesapeake Energy Revenue Department Spreadsheet for calculating huge deductions for all of you that have a no deduction leases.

Plus some additional theft that we are all subject to.


I didn't notice a filing date on the Ohio Amended Complaint attachment.  Do you or anyone else know the status of this complaint?

Pray they don't renew you five year lease on 200 plus acres in lower Jefferson County (Wells Township) expired on February 2, 2016.  To my knowledge, there has been no activity in Wells Township nor have I heard a peep from anyone nor received a renewal check.  This original lease was negotiated and executed by DPS Penn who was fronting for Chesapeake.   I understand it prudent to have a Release prepared and signed but at this time am confused as to whom currently holds the lease that we would approach for a signature.  Does anyone have any information as to what the next step to be taken since  the leases have expired and not activity has taken place.  Thanks to anyone with knowledge and advice.

call CHK in Oklahoma and find out who has the lease then go from there .....have your original lease in front of you

f you with all the numbers on it

Follow the assignment chain in the courthouse.

Beginning with the date your lease was taken, see who DPS Penn assigned to. 

Then look at subsequent assignments by the assignee of DPS Penn. 

Complete process as needed until you get to the current holder (i.e., assigned in, but not out).

I used to be able to Email Chesapeake regularly, but now they have shut off Emails to Alex Kaiser he was the good guy I dealt with. So need to send  registered mail from now on. Good luck, they probably laid Alex off.

Take the above link and read a little about the 'Haymaker Resources' and CHK deal.

Perhaps 'Haymaker Resources' is the outfit you folks ought to call about the disposition of your leases and renewal plans etc.

Haymaker is a mineral and royalty company.  They did not buy any oil and gas leases from CHK, simply fee minerals, royalty and overriding royalty interests.


Don't know for sure that it matters but, that article I linked above spoke to future royalties purchased by 'Haymaker' from 'CHK' (8500+ wells for $128M in a number of plays across the country) and some folks posting here sound like they're lessors whose land may be involved with a well (or perhaps even wells) but don't know even if those wells are producing or not, or even if their leases are binding.

FWIW or not worth - just trying to help.

Good luck all.


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