I noticed that on 1-13-15 CHK has filed "Temporary Inactive Well" status reports for 13 wells in Columbiana County.  Anyone know why?  Here is the list:

Grubs 6H, Reed 8H, Wallace 5H, Westover 8H, Chamberlain 5H, Morris 3H, Janie Trust 10H, Lehman 8H, Kernich 1H, Rosebud 8H, Carney 3H, Fowler 1H, Janie Trust 1H

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Interesting that you mention moving products by truck.  My understanding was that there is a gathering pipeline for wells along Teegarden Road.  I was under the impression that the pipeline was up and running.

Which would make one wonder why at 19:10hrs (7:10pm) a tractor-trailer tanker pulled out of the drive from the Riffle 21-15-3 10H well turning left and heading south on SR45.  The driver stopped the truck at the bottom of Ski Hill just north of Teegarden Road.  He said he had to use tire chains on his drive axles to be able to make it out the drive of the well.  He said he needed to remove the chains before going any further down the road.  He picked a bad place to stop with the road being wet and slick.

The tractor was owned by Rose Rock Midstream Field Services LLC (that was the name painted on the door of the truck).  The license plate of the tractor was 2U7547, white background black letters/numbers, didn't catch the state on the license plate.  The trailer was a tanker, Tank # 3308, Oklahoma License plate 9483KG, and the HazMat placard was 1268 (petroleum distillates or Petroleum Products).

Rose Rock Midstream LP (NYSE: RRMS) is a subsidiary of SemGroup (NYSE: SEMG).

So, if the pipeline is up and running why are they hauling product by tanker?

the pipeline would be for natural gas not oil ....oil is generally transported by truck 

Latest composite Stats for Chesapeake Exploration LLC, Week Ending 2015-01-17

Over 24
Total From Date
Permits Of Issue
Operator (Company) Name Issued Permitted Drilling Drilled Producing Expired*
CHESAPEAKE EXPLORATION LLC 747 153 34 156 404 80

All these wells ARE in Columbiana County. None of them have been hooked up to a pipeline. All are east of Route 11 or very close to it just slightly west.

Wells on Teagarden and Millport pipelines are all online and producing gas, oil, ngls. The gas goes to Kensington cryogenic via pipeline for further processing. It has too much ethane and other gases in it to be put directly into a gas pipeline for consumer use. At one time even after processing it was too high in ethane for direct entry into market gas lines. It had to be mixed with low ethane gas to be marketable. They were supposed to be updating equip to deal with this but don't know if this has been done.

Ethane and other gases from Kensington go to Scio where they are further processed. Ethane to ethylene to plastics industry. Propane and butane for commercial use.

The wells here on Teagarden and Millport do have tanks on the pads. Trucks pick up oil, condensate, and water from them. I think there are daytime pickups. The Chesapeake security truck is nearby when I have seen tankers coming in. But we see lots of trucks at night. Not sure why they haul at night ...less traffic.

My speculation is that eastern wells are dry or mostly dry gas and pipeline will not go in until price is higher ... just my opinion.


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