I know a lot of people are happy and many are unhappy being held by production. This article brings up an interesting angle that I never thought of before to being HBP and no well drilled in the direction of their land, nor drawing gas from their land.


"The main point is that they declared a pooled unit only to hold my lease. My lease specifically says that they must commence a well on the leased premises or on a spacing unit containing a portion of the leased premises before the expiration of the lease, " Sonda added of Chesapeake.


I'm just wondering if this will help some of you that do not have a well drilled in the direction of your property yet. Anyone have any ideas?

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I'm a landowner and wish all others the best but I don't see his case unless his lease has other wording not provided in that article. He needed a paugh clause so the other acreage would come out of HBP. To me his land (even at 2 acres) is included in a unit and will receive royalties. I don't see how the well is pointed should matter since hes in a declared unit, but I'm still new to this. At some point a well may not be pointed at someone else in his unit but if they are in that declared unit they are also held by production and will receive royalties. I wonder if this guy filed after he found out most of his land was not included when he was told it was before the drilling started. From what I've learned in Ohio they have until right before drilling starts to declare the unit with all acres and mineral owners listed.
I hate to say this but IMO this guy was really hoping to resign with a high bonus and % and is mad they only put in 2+ acres and is now HBP following his lease language.

I know this guy very well. He has a old range lease and the wording is differant then you see today,chk has done this to so many landowners in ohio co. there is alot more to this i hope he wins and chk has to pay.


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