It's going to take me a bit to get to a point related to this site, please read on.

Elitist, statists, such as Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton are willing to forsake the well being of the people they are elected to represent, for their ideological goals.

It's called collateral damage.

The Obama administration set out, from the beginning, to destroy the coal industry in this country. Obama did this with unnecessary and un-Constitutional, regulations.

Prior to the Obama Administration, coal kept our lights on, our homes warm and businesses supplied with the energy they needed to support our economy.

Since Obama became President, half the coal mines in West Virginia have closed.

!0,000 miners are now unemployed.

The loss of these jobs has caused other businesses to close and the unemployment level to double.

Neighborhoods where families lived are pock marked by abandoned homes and abandoned businesses.

Yet you never see the story of West Virginia in the news. That's because the Praetorian Guard media protect the Obama Administration and hide the effects of it's policies.

No government should be allowed to do this to the people it is sworn to protect and represent.

YET, we have people who are willing to continue the same destruction by electing Hillary Clinton President.

Ms. Clinton has sworn to continue the War On Coal. She has also promised to bring the same destruction to areas dependent on oil and gas production. These are not my words, this is not a distortion of fact. These are her own words.

To people such as Obama and Clinton, the destruction of our lives is just collateral damage.

They are so much smarter and wiser than we, you see. This all for our own good, because we cannot make decisions about our lives and our oil and gas rights.

WE are the subjects, they are the royalty.

It is just this type of despotism about which our founding fathers were concerned. It is for this very reason that they developed and designed our system of government. A system of government in which the common man, the everyday citizen plays the most important part; we have the vote.

Hillary Clinton must not be allowed to extend the destruction of the coal fields caused by Obama Administration policies. Further, she should not be allowed  to extend this destruction to the domestic oil and gas industry.

Vote against becoming Collateral Damage.

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Thank you, Barry, for your excellent and insightful post.  You are spot on right across the board.  The energy policy of these communists is motivated by their belief in non-existent AGW and by their willingness completely to ignore the Constitution.  The communists are abetted by the large number of ultra-liberal judges they have appointed in recent years and by the herd of RINOs currently running our Congress.

All this threatens us in two ways.  First, NG landowners will suffer massive loss of income, akin to the devastation already wrought in WV to which you correctly point.  Second and no small matter the communists, who dwell primarily in cities and suburban areas, wish to saturate the rural regions where many of us live with their unsightly, gargantuan wind turbines and ridiculous solar farms.  These destroy forever the ambiance of the portions of America we inhabit and call home, while mutilating and killing our raptors and songbirds just for good measure.

Communists were plenty bad years back when they were in charge of the USSR.  Today it is worse, with one of their number currently in the White House and another in the lead in the current race for POTUS.


With all due respect, Hillary is not a communist, she is a Marxist/Socialist.

Communists believe everything derives from the government. Marxist/Socialists just want to control everything.

In the end the results are the same, failure.

For all of you Hillary supporters I defy you to name one Marxist/Socialist country that has flourished.

As  for this site, all anyone needs to know is that Hillary is an admirer of Hugo Chavez. How did that work out for Venezuela.

This was a country awash in oil and gas riches, he destroyed that country.

Because of the shale revolution, our country is on the precipice of becoming a world leader of energy production. Further, the riches that will be unleashed by shale development will vault our economy beyond all of those on the planet; creating nearly full employment for those who wish to ork.

Hillary intends to institute policies to kill shale development, to kill the economy and increase unemployment.

Vote as you see fit, at your own peril.

I love this post.


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