Columbia Pipeline Group Leach Xpress - Round Two of ROW offers

Columbia has started with the second round of offers for ROW. I have not seen mine yet, but I understand that some have been delivered starting yesterday or today. I am expecting another low ball offer, but have not heard any numbers yet. Has anyone else seen/heard of the latest numbers?

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Mr Croix don't pay any attention to those folks saying bad things about land owners cause they are the same group of folks that where saying I was a fool to work my life away on that worthless farm ten years ago.
We were told we will take what they offer or they will take our property anyway at whatever they wish to pay.
I resent the above remark by gebralter, not everyone has a silver spoon. My propriety is all I have and why should I allow it to be destroyed without compensation? Fair compensation? We didn't ask to be in the middle of all this and would love for the pipeline to miss us all together. So I don't think that sounds much like a greedy pig to me.
And $42 is not a fair price when you add the loss of use, damage to land and timber, damages to roads, waterways and all the other issues during construction of the line.

Did they already bribe a federal judge, And it sounds like they want to lease your land and stick you with any enviormental damage not buy it. Another problem for everybody is, if they can gurantee you that the judge will sign with them then we need to take a long look at these ED judges.

 We need Infra structure for all these wells. There will be hundreds more sooner or later.  Pipelines are the best way. You can still plant on the right of way, and run cattle on the right of way, hunt on the right of way, just cant dig or harvest timber on the right of way. And as for environmental issues, I used to work on the environmental crews for major pipeline companies and believe me, we take real good care of the land owners, at least that was my experience. I worked for Rockford on the 42" Rockies Express line. Kinder Morgan. And in PA. for Mark West.   I think in 09' or 10'... I was a laborer. And before that several others. Our environmental inspectors were very efficient. I'd love to have a pipe line come across my 22 acres. They will make it pretty when they leave. I don't grow crops or raise beef, even if I did it wouldn't matter to me. I'm helping to eliminate our dependence on "Arab oil".  

Very well said Lance 


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