Can anyone with proper knowledge tell me how often or how frequent compressor stations are required? In other words, whats the chances of a gas company building a compressor station on or near my property, as most leases i believe do not exclude compressor stations. Anyway, i am mostly interested in the frequency of them in any given area. thanks.

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I am not positive, but I believe I have read that it is usually every 10-13 miles of pipeline. The distance can vary greatly depending on the volume of gas running through the pipeline. I know of a farm near me where they put in one compressor station, and then less than 2 years later permitted and negotiated for a second compressor on the same property.
The Marcellus Shale Education and Training Center has just released a new report on the workforce needs of the Marcellus Shale industry. They report that the industry average now is the need for a compressor station for every 20 wells.

That of course is an average. So the variables of well production and compressor station size would impact this number. But it is something to work with.
Jon, thanks for responding. I wonder though, 20 wells seems pretty thick. at 4 to 8 wells per well pad, do you think they could possibly mean every 20 primary well bores (drill pads)? with 4 to 8 laterals off of each primary well bore or well pad? meaning every 80 to 160 lateral bores?
Yes, I should have said that better. It is 20 wells, not well pad sites.


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